Author Topic: Blockland crashes half way through "Loading Addons"  (Read 880 times)

After getting my old pc set up I got my old addons back and after enabling they crash half way through loading and it stops after loading the default addons only.

Why do you have both rtb and orbs installed........

Probably should delete RTB then.

no, you should delete orbs because that's the one that causes crashes, not RTB.

noedit: at least, not nearly as often as orbs does. orbs just in general is poorly made.

I'll see if it works

Noedit: Noooo! it didn't work

You should probably get rid of both of them. Although, that may not be the issue.

You should seriously NOT just hit the "All" button when selecting your add-ons. Hit "Default" then go through the list, and think "Do I really need this for what I'm currently hosting?" for each one.

I dont use the all button which im probably going to delete and yes. I am going to go through and if it works, much obliged

Just do what Shift said, click "Default" and slowly go through the list of what you actually need on the server.

Delete RTB and oRBS from the folder, disabling them will not work.

Just do what Shift said, click "Default" and slowly go through the list of what you actually need on the server.

Delete RTB and oRBS from the folder, disabling them will not work.
RTB should be fine to continue using, oRBs no