
do you love brickadia


Author Topic: brickadia love thread  (Read 10833 times)


delete the haters

back to your discord bottom feeder

Considering the Brickadia team has failed to address the valid points brought up by these infographics, we can only assume they have abandoned their game or have not put enough thought into it

can this handicap be banned already

Considering the Brickadia team has failed to address the valid points brought up by these infographics, we can only assume they have abandoned their game or have not put enough thought into it

It does hurt to know that some people don't like our game. We know that and we are constantly looking for ways to improve it.

Maybe we won't change your guy's minds, but for anyone that does care at least a little, we have a discord and have fixed the email link on our website where you can email us about anything. We check the email very often. The website will be readied up sooner or later so we can put news and possibly a proper community board of sorts where discussions can happen.

I 'm sorry we neglected to put out any Information on a thread, we wanted to do one for a while but it might be too late for it. We felt the game wasn't ready to show yet to a more public place, and still feel that way.

We're not here to be malicious or greedy. We want to make a great game, which is why we still haven't asked for money.

We work on the game every day in our free time, and we all have college or jobs that take up a good chunk of it.

Sorry for the wall of text, hope you understand.
Gotta come here again and clear some things up because I'm being asked some strange questions:
  • Brickadia has 0 players online because it is closed to new testers. The game has not been released, it is nowhere near finished or playable. Comparing it to another game, by one man or no, that was completed at some point in the past is very weird.
  • Vehicles (buildable), in-game brick behaviours, brick effects (lights, emitters, zones etc) and modding are planned and will not be dropped.
  • Brickadia's mod dev kit is nowhere near 100GB in size. This statement is ridiculous. I have the entire developer package on my computer (all source code, textures, .sai files, tools and original blender assets) and it barely reaches past 20GB.
  • Nothing we have proposed has been scrapped due to technical limitations. We make a point to always under-promise and over-deliver with our work. We technically investigate the feasibility of things like buildable vehicles and destruction quite thoroughly before we even let the community hear about them.
  • No, the community is not only blockland players. A sizable portion of even the tester pool have never heard of BL. Sorry.
  • No, it would never cost $60 for a key or $100 for a server license. There will be no ridiculous hidden prices. No prices have been announced, even.
  • No, there is no lawsuit (yes, someone actually asked)
maybe criticisms via bad memes isn't quite the way to go for reporting ur concerns for the game if even u can't tell
« Last Edit: May 24, 2019, 06:27:52 PM by gr8dayseth »

the point of this thread was ?

maybe criticisms via bad memes isn't quite the way to go for reporting ur concerns for the game if even u can't tell
for once in your life can you try and form your own opinion without quoting other people and then putting some lame half assed sentence about your thoughts in the bottom

for once in your life can you try and form your own opinion without quoting other people and then putting some lame half assed sentence about your thoughts in the bottom

for once in your life can you try and form your own opinion without quoting other people and then putting some lame half assed sentence about your thoughts in the bottom
that's not even what i was doing here, i was putting the quotes there because he seemed to miss them. they aren't even opinions
but sometimes people have already stated their opinion that was already my opinion, and i just want to reassure that there's another one who agrees and has the same thoughts if not too many have done that or if there's a bunch of people who disagree instead of just leaving the opinion there to rot in stuffposts. i personally don't think that's really a bad thing


Posts: 56091
You zoomers suck at insults if my age is all you can come up with

shut up
you used to be a much better person to be around before you came back

the forget happened with you, you've just turned into a chuckle forget stuffhead that no one likes