Author Topic: post your bedroom poster edits :D  (Read 9938 times)

These are for the most part horrible.

I think I just lost brain cells thanks to your "kewl pictures".

Considering quite a large number of brain cells die every day, that shouldn't be a problem  :cookieMonster:

dude...what is it with you and that nintendo pic... the Homer one made me lol for some reason :cookieMonster:

jookia who told you i was a national socialist!...that was a secrect!!!!!  :iceCream: :panda:ing

One more: (Kitchen)

"monsters doesn't exist"?
Anyway, why don't you try changing a bit more than just text?

I edited much more than text.
I edited the monster, drove the mom.
Monsters does not exist, thats what parents says..

You can't use "doesn't" in that sentence
Also, where exactly did you drive the mom?  :cookieMonster:
Also, it's either "Parent's say" or "Parent says"

A variation of the Riddler poster...

Perfect face and shirt decal, you win

ok...not that funny :D

well, since the topic was minor-bumped, ill post the image i use. i didnt make the image, its from