Author Topic: Zorro_Limit's Paintball Mod  (Read 6146 times)

ZLMods Presenting:

Paintball Mod


Temp. paint's bricks & players
Drop shot paintballs
Paintball Ammo pickups
CO2 refilling
Left & Right view switching
Aim-in and Aim-out animation
Reload Animation & Draw Animation
Select Fire modes
When CO2 gets low, velocity decreases
Events can refill or decrease CO2

Made by:Zorro_Limit

This is a truely game enhancing mod

Hello Zorro.

Anyways, you should send me these so I can preview them on the {EC} clan server :P

Hello Zorro.

Anyways, you should send me these so I can preview them on the {EC} clan server :P
Hopefully you don't think im Zorro, i posted it for him.
And ask him ingame or IRC.

Wow. A GOOD paintball gun.

These will be fun to play in the future.

I hope your mod goes well, and we see alot of these servers.

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!/10

I dislike the helmets, but I suppose it adds to the realism. We already have helmets with visors in the avatar options.

The weapons need better placement in the hands. I saw the gun merge with the top of the helmet while peeking out of cover. Also, it could use some better sounds and the helmet needs to be a bit more rounded. Not pointy like Master Cheif's helmet in the first Halo game.

This has been Episode 55 of EvDowg's Stickling/C. Critisicm Moments.

EDIT: Talked all this over with Zorro.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 06:34:22 PM by Ev Dowg »

That was truly amazing.

You will give me this mod so I can use it's armor as space armor.
This must shall and will make perfect space suits.
You must give this to me now for if you do so I will raise your babies in the other end of the universe with such enlightened knowledge they will be the future president.

Adding to that, do you mind if you ever release this I will edit the colors to be Spirit-class goldish to fit my needs? I will not distribute it.

Hopefully you don't think im Zorro, i posted it for him.
And ask him ingame or IRC.


You will give me this mod so I can use it's armor as space armor.
This must shall and will make perfect space suits.
You must give this to me now for if you do so I will raise your babies in the other end of the universe with such enlightened knowledge they will be the future president.

Adding to that, do you mind if you ever release this I will edit the colors to be Spirit-class goldish to fit my needs? I will not distribute it.

{EC} will get it way before your clan does. Besides, I don't know if he will release it.

Yeah, your not going to get it (in alpha or beta). I just talked to Zorro. Sorry.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 07:45:07 PM by PVC Potato Gun »