Man this must be how Lord Tony feels all the time but I don't care because the Oscars are garbage and I'm making a topic. Anyone else watching them? Self Delete Squad literally got 3 awards (for makeup? Huh?) and Zootopia (which is admittedly a good movie) won the Best Animated Picture award over Kubo & The Two Strings which 100% was the best animated film of the year. Undoubtedly the most impressive work of animation in the last 40+ years and it was lost to the generic Disney film spit out this year because the Oscars love Disney.

Was it Jared Leto's stuffty tattoos that won the makeup award? Jesus. Also every year the movie that talks about the struggles of black people wins (like 12 Years A Slave) because the Oscar judges are scrambling over themselves to not look tribal. Moonlight shouldn't have won best supporting actor and I can only imagine what they are going to come up with for best film of the year. And that terrible Piper film that played before Finding Dory was boring and uncreative and definetely did not deserve an award. Did it get it for it's animation? If so, why didn't Kubo get the award?


Anyway, these picks are terrible and Oscar judges should be holocausted. I can't wait to see best picture. Discuss.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 12:32:48 AM by McZealot »

I'm actually angry for the first time in at least a month and this is probably the stupidest possible reason. Anyway, I agree with some of the picks. Arrival had incredible audio and totally deserved the award.

If Arrival wins Best Picture all will be forgiven. Haven't seen Hacksaw Ridge but I hear it's good so I might be okay with it. If Moonlight wins I'll actually be pissed.
I'm assuming it's going to be La La Land, since it hasn't won any awards yet.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 10:55:06 PM by McZealot »

I don't follow film but if its as bad as the Grammys it must be terrible

who should have won best supporting actor then? did you even watch moonlight?

its a glorified ad campaign / bragging rights committee for rich people, but sometimes its good

best animated film means "best film that is animated", not "film with best animation"

If the Oscars drive you up a wall why are you watching them

best animated film means "best film that is animated", not "film with best animation"
kubo blows zootopia out of the water both in animation and plot.

who should have won best supporting actor then? did you even watch moonlight?
yes. the acting job was undeniably good but nothing that gave me goosebumps or made me think 'damn this is the best of the year'. admittedly checking the nominations none of them are particularly good either so I don't know if I can say anyone really got 'cheated' the award.

kubo blows zootopia out of the water both in animation and plot.

It's not exactly hard to blow Zootopia out of the water

Zootopia is extremely good for a Disney Film. one of the best

BTW I saw OJ: Made In America and I don't feel like it deserved a best documentary Oscar. 'Tickled' is probably less classy but damn it was incredible and probably should've been nominated.

Also La La Land won best Cinematography which seems probably fair. Arrival was really good with it's cinematography (the loooong drawn out cuts of conversation) but probably didn't do as good. I haven't actually seen La La Land so I can't rightly complain. Moonlight didn't deserve a cinematography nomination--I didn't even notice it.

Don't Breathe 100% should've been nominated for Cinematography and probably should've won if not for La La Land. It did an incredible and unbelievable job of making the small spaces feel cramped while still clearly displaying what's going on and sometimes the camera would just keep rolling and spinning around the house for 5 minutes straight.

The oscars nominations and awards are voted democratically. There are always people who are disappointed by the results of a vote, but its only fair

yea have to say i agree with everything you've said; hoping hacksaw ridge wins something

Star Trek Beyond should've won best makeup btw. I can't believe that the handicapped 'damaged' tatoo is now an Academy Award winner.

Yea, this totally didn't deserve an award. Just look at the 'HAHAHAHHAHAHA' tattoo!: