Author Topic: Haribo sugar free gummy bears - The Megathread  (Read 12884 times)

This, of course, happened to be the worst idea I had ever conceived.  I ended up in the bathroom for over 45 minutes, trying my absolute hardest not to throw up.  Upon returning, I had to tell my counselors that I had not realized lunch had ended in order to save myself from incoming embarrasment.

I wish I could unread that.

Not quite, I really don't want to go into detail.
I felt dangerously close to throwing up, so to combat that I decided to stay on the toilet for that amount of time.  Luckily I didn't end up puking.

Quote from: At first nothing, but then...
I, like many others here, decided to purchase this product based on the hilarity of previous reviews. Upon receiving the package, I ate about two dozen bears, bracing for what I thought would be an inevitable poopocolypse.

The bears themselves were good, although a little chewy due to the cold weather. I actually prefer the milder taste of the sugar-free bears to their more tart counterparts. Overall a good eating experience.

Time passed, and gas did happen, but not to an impressive degree. Thankfully it was only gas, too. The odor was foul and the sound boisterous, but nothing worthy of epic poem.

If you like gummy bears and some bonus poots for eating them, then I recommend this product. If you expect exactly what these crazy reviews are claiming, then forget about it.

EDIT: I was so very wrong. So so wrong. Thinking these bears wouldn't affect me, I helped myself to about 30 more. This time, only three hours into digestion, my ass decided to perform a dramatic reenactment of the Eruption of Pompeii. This product is worth all its commentary after all. Now please excuse me, I have to defile the bathroom.

"The reviews are so helpful. It is so difficult to be sure you are buying something over the internet that is exactley what you are searching for.
I am sending a bag of these to every member of Congress to show my deepest gratitude."

I saw that as a review on amazon lol

Look what I got on my way home from work today. Time to test if these reviews are bullstuff or not. Pls call the police of I don't reply within the next couple hours.

I think I may be eating these too fast, first bag is almost gone.

why would you ever eat that many gummy bears at once

why would you ever eat that many gummy bears at once
Experimental purposes. And I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

Finished the first bag, nothing so far.

Finished the first bag, nothing so far.
ur so forgeted.

i have never ate one of these, even tho i have had symptoms like tht

Take a sip of this aswell

Who eats sugar free stuff..