Author Topic: Help me upgrade my PC  (Read 4223 times)

I got it its 500 wats is that bad????

It could be worse, I can tell you that.

Don't bother upgrading the graphics card unless you can afford another processor and motherboard as well. You current APU is awful and literally slower than the cheapest Celeron, and will bottleneck whatever graphics card you put in. I'd get a Pentium G3258 and a cheap MSI/ASUS/ASRock motherboard if I were you, and preferrably a GTX750. Also, don't listen to Bisjac's power supply advice, he doesn't know what he's talking about. An overclocked G3258 and a PCI-e only 750 will never use more than 250 watts at full load, and probably less than 150 when gaming. Unless your current PSU is proprietary, low-quality or very old there's really no need to replace it ASAP.
I'm currently away, but give me a budget and what parts you already have and I'll put together a build for you when I get home.

don't listen to Bisjac's power supply advice, he doesn't know what he's talking about. An overclocked G3258 and a PCI-e only 750 will never use more than 250 watts at full load, and probably less than 150 when gaming. Unless your current PSU is proprietary, low-quality or very old there's really no need to replace it ASAP.

a 750ti as i was mentioning. CANNOT use more then 75w at any load. as it has no power ports at all. and 75w is the limit that a pcie16 lane will give.

its the perfect card for people who cant upgrade a power supply and just have a gimpy computer to upgrade.

telling a guy with a 200 dollar budget to rebuild his whole computer is just handicapped. shame on you.

Well the thing is my birthday is coming up in Aug and I need to make a list for my mom and my grandparents so budget wise would be 600$ at very max P.S If it was 600$ it would probley be the only present i would get :(

i dont think they would get me a new pc eaither

a 750ti as i was mentioning. CANNOT use more then 75w at any load. as it has no power ports at all. and 75w is the limit that a pcie16 lane will give.

its the perfect card for people who cant upgrade a power supply and just have a gimpy computer to upgrade.

telling a guy with a 200 dollar budget to rebuild his whole computer is just handicapped. shame on you.
It doesn't matter how small his budget is when his current processor is literally slower than a 7-year old Core2Duo; upgrading the graphics card without touching anything else is pointless. And $200 is not as little money as you think. If he can reuse everything else from his old computer (case,RAM, PSU etc) he can get a dual-core Intel processor and a cheap motherboard and still have $100 for a new GPU. Heck, if his mobo supports quad-core processors he can get an Athlon X4-760K for $80 on Newegg and have a whole $120 to splurge on the graphics card.

spend about 60 dollars on a corsair 600w psu, and then buy a gt 730 or something lower like that. your processor won't be able to keep up with a lot of the higher end cards.

What im worried about is if i buy a new part it wont fit in my case because from the pictures i showed you my case is a mess with wires and stuff

What im worried about is if i buy a new part it wont fit in my case because from the pictures i showed you my case is a mess with wires and stuff

show your case from the front or back. also, you can use cable ties and stuff for management.

show your case from the front or back. also, you can use cable ties and stuff for management.
What are cable ties

zip ties, cable ties, whatever u wanna call them

Heres a picture if that helps

FRONT or BACK. the psu looks pretty wide as well. also, that's an aftermarket case, do you know what it is?

FRONT or BACK. the psu looks pretty wide as well. also, that's an aftermarket case, do you know what it is?
I got it off a guy making pcs on ebay I dont know the exact case is