Author Topic: Blockland Greasemonkey Scripts  (Read 35228 times)

Ignore Pony Threads

This is awesome. Don't be a bitch, just be glad I'm getting rid of it for myself, not whining about it.

Okay I'll respect you and this topic if you make one for SOPA and PIPA.

why not just make a table of things to check for instead of having to make multiple scripts?

why not just make a table of things to check for instead of having to make multiple scripts?
Well, it was originally 2 different scripts. I have it set up now so that it works for either viewing mode and can handle multiple different string or regex criteria.

If i get it any more souped up I'll post it.

isnt there like a forum thing under profile options that does that already...
nvm thats for personal messages

I'm going to compile all the ignore scripts into one that's more comprehensive, virtually stripping the user from existence.

After that I might make something actually useful, like a script that adds new posts automagically to the bottom of the page you're on as you're reading.

I'm going to compile all the ignore scripts into one that's more comprehensive, virtually stripping the user from existence.

After that I might make something actually useful, like a script that adds new posts automagically to the bottom of the page you're on as you're reading.
Oh boy, auto-update.

Instead of just ignoring something let's all find ways to break the forum so we can ignore it.

Instead of just ignoring something let's all find ways to break the forum so we can ignore it.

I also find it ironic that the people who protest pipa and sopa use the script.

You protest censorship yet you want the forum censored.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Ignore Pony Topics
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  Ignore Pony topics, too.
// @include*
// @copyright    2012+ Iban
// ==/UserScript==

var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table'), matchClass = "bordercolor", badRows = new Array();

for(var i = 0; tables.length; i++)
   if((" "+tables.className+" ").indexOf(" "+matchClass+" ") > -1) {
      var rows = tables.getElementsByTagName('tr');
      for(var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
         var cells = rows[j].getElementsByTagName('td');
         if(cells[1] > -1) {
      // Google Chrome intelligently places a <tbody> in the <table>.
      // However, the original SMF code does not have the <tbody>
      // Cover our ass.
      var tbody = tables.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
      for(var k = 0; k < badRows.length; k++) {
         if(tbody.length) {
         // No <tbody>, remove straight from the <table>
         else {

This blocks any thread with "pony" in the title. What if someone was talking about a normal pony that had absolutely nothing to do with MY Little Pony?

AND! There is only like ONE current pony thread so if you can't ignore one thread then what the hell?

// @copyright    2012+ Iban

I like how you make a thread for a script you stole from Kingdaro and then you have the nerve to put a copyright on it.

This whole "blocking users" thing is handicapped. It's only going to create confusion when a user you've removed is having conversations with the rest of the people in a thread, and you bumble in like an idiot and aren't able to understand what's going on because of your own lack of self-control and discipline.