Author Topic: The Yooka-Laylee stuffshow  (Read 1802 times)


Remember the fiasco that Destiny got Jontron into? Well, it's finally reached Pewdiepie levels of corporate disassociation; a surprise Jontron voice role in the spiritual sequel to Banjo-Kazooie (well known to be one of Jontron's favorite games of all time) has been removed from the game by the developing studio, Playtonic Games. The studio was tipped off by users on the gaming forum NeoGAF, known for being extremely left leaning. Almost immediately, the removal was made and Playtonic Games issued this statement:

Quote from: Playtonic Games
We recently became aware of comments made by voice artist JonTron after development on Yooka-Laylee had been completed. JonTron is a talented video presenter who we were initially, two years ago, happy to include as a voice contributor in our game. However, in light of his recent personal viewpoints we have made the decision to remove JonTron's inclusion in the game via a forthcoming content update. We would like to make absolutely clear that we do not endorse or support JonTron's personal viewpoints and that, as an external fan contributor, he does not represent Playtonic in any capacity. Playtonic is a studio that celebrates diversity in all forms and strives to make games that everyone can enjoy. As such, we deeply regret any implied association that could make players feel anything but 100% comfortable in our game worlds, or distract from the incredible goodwill and love shown by our fans and Kickstarter backers.

A little while later, Jontron replied on Twitter:

Quote from: Jon Jafari
Unfortunate to see Playtonic remove me from Yooka Laylee, but I understand their decision. I wish them the best with their launch!

So that should be all, right? A little shady corporate censorship over petty politics from flustered newcomers, and then back to business as usual.

Well, no.

Discussion popped up on the Steam forums asking for refunds for taking Jontron out of the game. Rather than allow the discussion or (IDFK) give the refunds, Playtonic locked the threads and banned the people who posted them, all while not giving an official answer. The same happened on the official forums for the game.

Meanwhile on Twitter, various members of Team 17, the game's publisher, attacked and insulted both Jontron and the financial backers who supported him.

Quote from: @JonnoVanguard
So many angry anime avatars...

(in response to "Oh gods. Are you working the Steam forums? I am so, so sorry :(")

It's what we do haha.
Quote from:  liked by @elliejoypanic, original posts by@schillingc
(post 1)
"Damn, I was really looking forward to hearing JonTron go BLURBLE GLURBLE BLURB GLURBY BLURB!" - An idiot.

(post 2)
Imagine being disappointed because you don't get to hear JonTron's voice acting in Yooka-Laylee.

As soon as this became news, several of them locked down their profiles (little stuffs).

This controversy comes after the disappointing rescinding of the Wii U version of the game.
Meanwhile, to me, all this seems familiar to me somehow...

forgetin' /discuss
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 07:20:22 PM by Tactical Nuke »

tbh I would've paid hundreds just to hear a triangular cartoon animal screaming in jontron's voice

Already a thread in games

god loving damnit

I'm keeping it open for the off topic crowd. If the thread dies, it dies.

liberals are legit handicapped

liberals are legit handicapped
i'm (by some) accounts an sjw but holy stuff liberals continue to make themselves look worse and worse every loving day

im all for nonbinary + trans stuff as well as a bernie supporter (on economic issues)

im all for nonbinary + trans stuff as well as a bernie supporter (on economic issues)


first female* sjw to join blf

i'm (by some) accounts an sjw but holy stuff liberals continue to make themselves look worse and worse every loving day
im all for nonbinary + trans stuff as well as a bernie supporter (on economic issues)

should i clarify what i said

edit: yeah, gonna clarify

when i'm all for "trans and nonbinary stuff" i meant that i'm in support of not being an starfish to those people on the simple basis that they're trans or 'nonbinary', even though i don't really agree with the whole nonbinary thing's existence. i support trans rights and i describe myself as a free market socialist

side note: the mister metokur/internet aristocrat video on this situation ruled
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 12:05:15 AM by hot moms dot com »