Author Topic: Nasoa's Kart Racing [v2]  (Read 34610 times)

i stopped visiting this server at a certain point due to all the unnecessary and annoying stuff(the driving noises) being added every day.
The server goes nowhere without changing and improving things. We can't know how things like engine noises and such will work out until we try them, adding things like music are essential to lifting it up off the ground to a point where it's a full experience. Disliking the server because of "annoying stuff being added" is really contrary to the direction of progress I would like to go with the server.

Haven't had time to get stuff done in the past few days, hopefully this weekend I'll find some time.

I've closed the server for the time being for a renovation, probably will be back up by next weekend. Don't worry, I've ordered 3 more months of hosting.