Author Topic: Rating Girls  (Read 6081 times)

Well it's not like I have x-ray vision or something.

All the girls were ugly at boy scout camp  :cookieMonster:

The highest one was like a 5/10 lol

I also disagree with rating.

I notice a pattern whereby ugly people don't like ratings, and hot people do. What conclusion can I possibly draw from this rather intriguing correlation?

I don't think anything is wrong with talking about fapping and I haven't rated girls for a good year since I was with the same one for a long time.

all girls fall into one of the 4:
Cute 1-10
Pretty 1-10
lovey 1-10

cept for icky chicks, a girl is only one of them other 3 types, and no 1 type is better then the other.
at least that's how the guys at the group here rate em
so category+rating of that cat

when i rate other guys, its simple 2 answers:
"he can get more girls then me"
"i can score way more ass then he can"
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 04:08:53 PM by Bisjac »

That is a good scale. I approve of the use of it :D

everyone is going on and on about how its not cool to rate girls or see them as loveual objects lol.
i see it as, if they are not good looking, they better be loving book smart. because if they have nothing, they are trash girls and shouldn't be talking to me.

Survival of the fittest still exists in your civilized modern world here. We are still animals. first impression is the ONE THAT COUNTS. any mate; be it stupid dating, small affection, love or friendship, all starts from some kind of attraction.
my point? i can be picky. because there are plenty of chicks out there that are "nice" and "friendly", but these qualities are not only ugly girl qualities.

for all male-kind, lets all work together and never settle for fattys. because we must all have a part in raising that bar. let miss chubby grow up and die alone and miserable. she traded her affection-happiness for cheeseburger-happiness.

for all male-kind, lets all work together and never settle for fattys. because we must all have a part in raising that bar. let miss chubby grow up and die alone and miserable. she traded her affection-happiness for cheeseburger-happiness.

Bisjac you underestimate the hopeless desperation 99% of this forum's population possesses to put their snakees in anything.

I think it is wrong to judge people on booblol size, you have to judge them on their personality.
Infact, I actually like a girl and shes pretty nice and smart, but not all that cute, and thats ok with me.

I find rating a girl wrong, too. It's all based on what attracts you.

let miss chubby grow up and die alone and miserable. she traded her affection-happiness for cheeseburger-happiness.
When we go to the mall my girlfriend always comments on the hot girls she sees and I talk about the guys. It's quite fun, especially when people overhear us and go "wtf?".
I lol'd hard.

Before I consider if a girl is attractive I think about her personality and stuff when I rate girls, I usually do it in my head not out laud,  I rate them on if I could see myself with this person so it doesn't even always have to do with the common man's image of a girl that's "hot." Basically my rating of girls is not loveually driven.

Bisjac you underestimate the hopeless desperation 99% of this forum's population possesses to put their snakees in anything.
Which is also why you like being biloveual because you can.

You've probably missunderstood, "I've seen 4th graders talking about having love with one of there classmates" I didn't mean they were just talking about it, one of them pulled out a condom and said he was ready to do it as if he was planning to.
holy crap