Author Topic: We write the entire Metal Gear Solid 4 script, 1-3 words at a time  (Read 27112 times)

of weasels, Snakeforgeted
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 01:51:32 PM by Darth C3P0² »

"millions of miles weasels"

i want to stomp on every single one of these weasels

metal gear...... hughhhh.....

yes yes weaselcarrotswillmakethemwish theyhadntforgetedmyweasel

The weasel uprisingcamewithoutwarninglea vingfewsurvivors

we have just played the system

ot:those survivors willbeputinweasellimepits

The writhingweaselhordswantedjust onething sweetweaselyrevenge

get off myweaselyoumonday!!!