Author Topic: Clover Monument Brick [.blend included]  (Read 2331 times)

Clover Monument Brick

A random monument I made as an example brick. The transparent bit seen in the preview is colorable, the rest is gray. A 1x1x1 brick may be placed inside the monument, behind the transparent bit. Note that to color the beveled center pane, you must spray the gray parts of the brick as the center pane has no collision or raycasting to make it easier to manipulate the brick inside.

  • Brick icon.
  • Proper brick grid.
  • Accurate collision.
  • Minimal coverage due to the shape of the brick, only bottom quads are hidden when covered.
  • Support_Updater versioning.

This is a sample brick for Blender BLB Exporter.

The BLB files were exported using the BLB exporter by doing the following:
  • Selecting all objects in layers 1-3.
  • In the export dialog, using the following properties (deviating from defaults):
    • Coverage: Self Bottom
    • Automatic Quad Sorting

Additionally the Blender file includes the camera, light, and material used for rendering special brick icons that closely match the default Blockland style. Icon is to be rendered without anti-aliasing. Post-processing is required to scale the icon to the correct resolution using bilinear interpolation.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 08:24:45 AM by Demian »