Author Topic: What's with new players lately?  (Read 1390 times)

I've taken notice that a lot of new players activating forum accounts have the youngest maturity level. A few examples being this, this and this
Coincidentally I ran into a few players acting similarly in game.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 05:22:14 PM by Doctor Disco »

Did you expect young people, who aren't used to the forums, to stand in line like the rest of us?
From my experiences, young people are just like this outside of the Blockland forums, but it's more noticeable since you don't normally see this number of screaming kids here.
As Blockland gets more popular, a relatively larger audience of young people will probably be attracted to the forums, resulting in an even more noticeable younger population on the forums (assuming they don't quit the forums or get banned).
I would assume the new young people on the forums who are making these posts want the attention they got with whoever they were with outside of the forums, like their parents or their friends, or they noticed a new place for them to be in, and are trying to show the rest of the community that they think they can be a part the community, to show the rest of the community that they can be like everyone else.

a steamy new batch of fresh memers

In this video I discuss why Blockland is Lord of the Flies.

/shameless self promotion

There have been noobs since BL was created. It hasn't gotten better or worse.

the steam sale finished up, that's probably where they're coming from. they're getting around to trying out blockland and looking up the forum probably

Damn it, I was going to make this.

There have been noobs since BL was created. It hasn't gotten better or worse.

Exactly. This is not something new, it has always been like this. We get a couple new chumps, they act stupid, the community gets pissed and gives them stuff until they throw a fit and quit coming here.

Though, since being back I've noticed everyone isn't as hostile that much anymore. I guess all the regulars have sort of grown-up and stopped giving a stuff.

This isn't any different then any other year.

summer, attracts buys from smaller children who are like: "lego game cool," they find the forums and then start posting

it's pretty typical for any game, really

Did you expect young people, who aren't used to the forums, to stand in line like the rest of us?
 but it's more noticeable since you don't normally see this number of screaming kids here.
you just explained why I posted this, contradicting the first sentence
Clearly I expect young children to act maturely. Because I'm just that stupid. And I decide to rant about it which is being equally as immature! Yep!

I wasn't coming here to complain about new players. Came here to "DISCUSS" The recent blob of new players that decided to come here around the same time and posted some illiterate things.

I love the responses that all the other forum members make, joining in on the madness.