Author Topic: Someone remade Kitchen in gmod  (Read 10940 times)

i will not lie this wholw thread was infact a bruh moment tho.

i will not lie this wholw thread was infact a bruh moment tho.
press it

pressed it.
however yo if the creator of the map is reading this thread i appreciate the fact u ported kitchen to gmod now if you dont add those pics back my winwin is no longer a winwin and itll be your fault

You bet wrong homie, it is all about the Peavey XXX treadplate.

Fuc, u rite

I feel like this thread went through all the stages of grief

Now there is just a jizzing Dopefish

didn't even add in the secret areas to make up for the removal what a joke this is no longer a 4 star map imo i'm feeling a light 3 about this map after these changes
smh it's ruined now
good now blockland will be known as a bunch of weirdos who sneak furry research on your computer
don't worry i was already doing that to u

@map creator
Fix this black square please

when you find out your favorite map has furry research on it

This just confirms my suspicion that furries are degenerate love fiends. Taking something wholesome and ruining it with their smut, like usual.
don't act like you don't like the smut

WEAVER destroyed you all LMAo

plot twist : these are just part of the default files

plot twist : these are just part of the default files
badspot exposed!!

judging from the screenshots it looks like its squished a bit. otherwise thats cool

EDIT: there's furry research in the texture files. have fun with that, everyone who downloaded this map
