Author Topic: can't freelook+crouch, and can't scroll+loading a save  (Read 335 times)

just some annoyances, when i use the crouch button, i can't use free look to turn my head and junk, and when i'm loading, i can't use the scroll button unless i take a picture, any solutions?

The scrolling thing has always been an issue,

Like when you are typing and you start loading, you can't type until it's done.

just some annoyances, when i use the crouch button, i can't use free look to turn my head and junk,
I've had that before, usually on laptops when I am pressing 3 or more keys. Two laptops have the same problem. And my desktop will usually do it with 5 or more.

The scrolling thing has always been an issue,

Like when you are typing and you start loading, you can't type until it's done.
or take a picture, that closes the loading screen, but you keep loading
I've had that before, usually on laptops when I am pressing 3 or more keys. Two laptops have the same problem. And my desktop will usually do it with 5 or more.
it's only 2 keys, shift, and z :o