Author Topic: Would this community use a long term teamspeak server?  (Read 770 times)

i know this community has tried a few times to run a teamspeak or vent server.
but it was always done by stupid clowns with stuffty internet, hosting from their gaming computer with IPs that wont stop changing. bad admin'ing. just amateur as forget.

I have a server, or funds to have one hosted well. i dont know whats better for me yet.
I was thinking of just having a simple channel for my own server, but if there is interest, i could host one for all users. multiple channels.

do you guys frequent the voice chatting?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 02:45:58 AM by Bisjac »

I'm likely an outlier, but so far no amount of bricks have been an issue. Connectivity issues seem greater.

Then again, I'm running a GTX Titan for a game about blocks.

I'm not really sure, but if it gets to laggy, I just turn down the settings I think I turned them down to medium when at Bones4's titanic, looking at the entire exterior... So, yah.

I need to turn shaders to minimal when I almost hit the limit.

Looking at more than 1k bricks will lag me out

Intel graphics ftw

looking at more than 50k bricks will lag me

i think the best ideas it to make it so that whenever you look in any one direction with lowest render distance at 90 FOV, you only see at max 2k bricks at one time.

because honestly 255k bricks spread out over a huge city isn't a problem if you only have to render a couple buildings at once.

i don't use teamspeak so

I don't use teamspeak either. Blockland is one of those games in which now it's way funner to type than talk. But hey, if people like teamspeak, which I assume is middling, that'd be nice for them.

id much rather have a mod that adds the text to speech thing like what moonbase alpha has

I'd Teamspeak with anyone who doesn't sound like they're under the age of 16.

There's a teamspeak up now, it's hosted by a licensed hosting provider, Nobot bought it for blockland community.  Like 5 or 6 people get on normally, but I don't think a lot of people knew.

I don't use Teamspeak either.