Author Topic: Edgy jokes are turning kids into mURDERERS!!!!!!!  (Read 947 times)

whats white on top and black on bottom


what's black on top and white on the bottom?

tyrone and master matthew's wife :cookieMonster:

i mean i can kinda see how hes right

its poes law basically, if you have a bunch of people online ironically acting as a white supremacist you get a bunch of unironic white supremacists thinking they're not alone.

it's not an entirely stupid idea, but to say people like pewdiepie are directly responsible for the muders is absurd

even at the 3:10 mark the video creator says this lol
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 08:47:52 PM by Aide33 »

i mean i can kinda see how hes right

its poes law basically, if you have a bunch of people online ironically acting as a white supremacist you get a bunch of unironic white supremacists thinking they're not alone.

it's not an entirely stupid idea, but to say people like pewdiepie are directly responsible for the muders is absurd

even at the 3:10 mark the video creator says this lol
He say's its absurd, then he goes on to explain why he thinks that pewds is the reason behind this along with several other youtubers.

The reason tribal and/or violent people like this are cropping up is because:
1. Their views are being censored instead of challenged, radicalizing them
2. They believe they are being threatened on the grounds of their race, and there is evidence to suggest that they actually are. I don't believe this is entirely, intentional but it is happening.
3. Out of touch people like the one in this video push nonsense instead of actually engaging these people, effectively creating propaganda. The overwhelming propaganda like this coming from mainstream and online sources solidifies the logic of many black pilled/conservationist radicals until they hit a breaking point and decide to go over the edge.

I believe all these problems could be solved if they attempted to ENGAGE with the side they want to dissipate and disappear, not drive them underground by censoring them. This will certainly end badly.

He say's its absurd, then he goes on to explain why he thinks that pewds is the reason behind this along with several other youtubers.
no he goes to explain the basics of how peoples ideologies can get emboldened in online echo chambers like 4chan or tumblr

memes that confirm your ideologies are powerful things, he goes on to say near the end of the video that again pewdiepie and such could of never existed but someone else would of taken their place. The entire way to stop these kinds of people from emboldening their ideology to the point of violence is to take a strong stance on it as a creator that has the reach of millions of people.

1. Their views are being censored instead of challenged, radicalizing them
I agree to a certain extent but let me present you a hypothetical that I've seen happen a lot online. Keep in mind Person A is not someone like Pewdiepie it would be a person like Sargon or something cuz Pewdiepie doesn't engage in political commentary but he engages in edgy racial humour. To his credit, he doesn't anymore but he has in the past. This pushes the window of reasonable discourse (Overton window) to it's extremes, normalising racially charged or discriminatory content.

But anyways, along to the hypothetical:

Person A posts a video that either is a very thinly veil dog whistle about certain hot button issues like immigration or culture. This person tries to convince their audience of a truth without explicitly stating a conclusion. They present a bunch of "facts" that are more likely than not very poorly sourced and misinterpreted. They try to cherry pick and misrepresent the entire situation to sway the audience of their ideals. This doesn't necessarily mean that Person A is a bad faith actor, he could be doing this entirely unintentionally.

This goes on until the audience consumes all of Person A's content, not doing a full research of the topic at hand and just taking for granted what Person A presented to them. Slowly, they get swayed by these facts and confirm their own prejudices. Because Person A never explicitly drew a conclusion from these facts, the conclusion is open to interpretation. While a lot of the audience will probably not fall into a radical ideology from this, some will.

Then when Person B comes along, the damage is already done, things spread really quickly online and since a lot of people don't take time to do any research, a lot of Person A's points go unquestioned. The kind of "free marketplace of ideas" you envision is a fallacy because spreading misinformation is massively easier to do and people can be radicalized faster than people trying to debunk the video. Once Person B uploads a video response, basically no one that had their biases already convinced by the original video will get swayed by actual facts, and it is often the case the second video will have a lot less of an audience.

You see the problem here? If we actually had a free marketplace of ideas, every single assertion by anyone would have to be challenged off the bat or else you risk people never exposing themselves to the other side of the argument. It is fairly obvious to see how this sometimes leads to violent acts and I've personally seen it happen myself and it worries me.

2. They believe they are being threatened on the grounds of their race, and there is evidence to suggest that they actually are. I don't believe this is entirely, intentional but it is happening.
I'm gonna need a citation on the "their race is being threatened" because I think you are massively blowing the extent in which this is happening out of proportion
3. Out of touch people like the one in this video push nonsense instead of actually engaging these people, effectively creating propaganda. The overwhelming propaganda like this coming from mainstream and online sources solidifies the logic of many black pilled/conservationist radicals until they hit a breaking point and decide to go over the edge.
What you see happening here is people have already consumed alternate forms of media that confirm their biases, like Person A produced. So when they see any kind of video that tries to deconstruct or debunk these kinds of things it falls to deaf ears.

I do agree though that certain people should work on their presentation of these kinds of videos. A lot of them seem to be guilty of the "Dunking on conservatives" kind of condescending video. Which can lead to people that have already fell for dangerous ideals to double down on them.

I feel like becoming a murderer because of those who think violent games and edgy jokes think they cause murders