Author Topic: Smoother aim lock?  (Read 1405 times)

So I've put together a script that basically works as an aimbot, however it only works through a client's camera
and it's server-sided. (so don't get mad) :P
Code: [Select]
function LockAim(%client, %targetName)
   %camera =;

   %target = findClientByName(%targetName).player;
   %targetPos = %target.getPosition();

   //Get the camera to aim at the player
   %pos = %camera.getPosition();
   %delta = vectorSub(%targetPos, %pos);
   %deltaX = getWord(%delta, 0);
   %deltaY = getWord(%delta, 1);
   %deltaZ = getWord(%delta, 2) + 1;
   %deltaXYHyp = vectorLen(%deltaX SPC %deltaY SPC 0);

   %rotZ = mAtan(%deltaX, %deltaY) * -1;
   %rotX = mAtan(%deltaZ, %deltaXYHyp);

   %aa = eulerRadToMatrix(%rotX SPC 0 SPC %rotZ);

   %camera.setTransform(%pos SPC %aa);
The problem is that whenever the camera or the player moves, the screen gets really choppy. As if it stops aiming for a brief
moment then re-captures the target. Technically yes, there is a delay (33 milliseconds) however I tried shortening it and it
didn't seem to help. Is there a way to have the camera stay locked on, in a smoother way? I'm using this for a theater type
mode for recording, etc. so you can understand why it can't be choppy

it's still an aimbot you tard

it's still an aimbot you tard
Cool, thanks for clearing things up! because of your constructive comment, i was able to finally
solve the problem! consider the topic solved

With schedules it will always be choppy - you need to use the newtonian camera system (which i know very little of, but can confirm it does what you want smoothly). Also server sided aimbots arent frowned upon or revokable.

Do you have any references that I could take a look at? I'm gonna be pissed if it's something that simplifies my entire code lol

Do you have any references that I could take a look at? I'm gonna be pissed if it's something that simplifies my entire code lol
Only system i know that uses that code is the oft-overlooked slayer round camera feature. Its buried somewhere in the support files and is also the system it uses to do that weird zoom in thing during death cam in the latest version

it's still an aimbot you tard
You're dumb. Something like this has been made before, it's not bannable because it's not cheating if everyone in the server is using it.

yah I've even made a server+client aimbot before

the way I made it smooth was include a client sided mod aswell

yah I've even made a server+client aimbot before

the way I made it smooth was include a client sided mod aswell
Apparently the download no longer exists... you think you can pass it along?
even tho it would defeat the purpose of me figuring it out myself lol :p

Someone should make a freelancer-type aimbot, where it shows on the screen where you need to aim to hit your target.