Author Topic: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Post your profile!  (Read 23575 times)

I got an Overgrowth USP-S. I'll keep it for a bit before selling it.

I'm planning on buying stattrak black limba dualies but they's just out of reach in terms of cost.
I'll give someone here a tf2 key if they can buy one for me

and mapping now officially sucks.  It will be impossible to compete with thousands of skins.

EDIT: whoops, forgot to read, they actually added a new tab to the workshop.  I'm stupid. (Doesn't help that Valve's link is to the map tab.)

Working on a skin, thoughts?


Working on a skin, thoughts?

Hey, it's me!

I actually really like it. Do you have a name for it?

Silver 3!?
I'm a trash can haha.

Planning on calling it P90 | Scibble. I just need to fiddle with the maximums becuase sometimes its just white.

Bam, three weapon skins I did as a way of learning how to work this thing:

« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 09:09:12 PM by Marcem »

Those are pretty cool, althought be careful of how it looks when your holding it because sometimes it looks really weird from that angle.. like all the bright parts mesh together and it looks weird

I want someone to make gun camos with black and bright green. If I had a whole arsenal of guns with black and green I would use it

I mainly play assault or dust2

Made an M4A1 skin in the style of the Agency skins in the bravo crate:

How do you make these skins?

How do you make these skins?
What do you mean? as in my workflow or how the system works?