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Topics - Wedge

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Games / Sven-Coop
« on: August 16, 2009, 09:11:35 PM »
What is Sven-Coop?

It's this co-op mod for Half-Life. Since everybody (who matters anyway) now owns Half-Life due to the sale, we can all play together. It's a great way to flesh out your fledgling mod collection.

Basically you wander through maps designed with tools that haven't been updated since 1999 shooting aliens and pushing buttons to accomplish some kind of "goal" to advance the "plot." In reality, you shoot stuff until it dies and if you kill enough stuff and push enough buttons you win. It's pretty simple, but sometimes they mix it up a bit by giving you a friendly alien grunt ally and making all the Barney clones your enemy.

You can play through the Half Life story line, the Opposing Force story line and a large variety of fan made maps and campaigns ranging from escaping from cities to escaping from factories to escaping from World War II. There is a full arsenal of half-life/opposing force weapons as well as some custom ones. If you donate $5 to the developer you get a gold uzi or something like that, which lets you show off how awesome you are to all your friends. They will be so jealous with their less powerful and not gold uzis.

I realize my tone has probably sounded somewhat sarcastic, but these traits are what make it endearing and so much fun. For all of it's flaws, you will forget any gripes you have the moment you try playing the On a Rail chapter with a couple of your friends. There's nothing more fun then racing the trams around, pushing your friends off the tram and then running them over or leaving them behind so they get electrocuted on the third rail.

If you need screenshots for some reason (who needs screenshots) check the following links:

If this sounds like fun to you, then you should download it here:
Don't forget to shut down steam while installing.

If you're the kind of person who loves reading manuals in their free time, here is the manual:


Drama / huge ass pointless rant on jails and rpgs
« on: July 27, 2009, 02:12:00 PM »
Here is something I can't understand: jails and criminal systems in RPGs. The purpose of the jail is to provide adequate punishment for crimes committed. In theory, it discourages people from committing them. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. But you are also lured to crime by the promise of riches. You can try and make money fairly through "hard work" (in reality sitting around spamming the chat or browsing the internet while waiting for money to magically appear in your bank account for work you didn't do) or the "faster" way - by stealing it from people who earned theirs legitimately. The thing is, crime isn't actually a faster way to earn money, it's just moderately interesting and breaks up the routine of doing nothing. People aren't being drawn to crime because they like the challenge of earning all their money by murdering others, they're being drawn to it because the game mode is ass backwards as forget and basically the only way for the game to be tolerable is to DM with your friends while you wait for free money to spawn in your pocket. In fact, civilians are barely any better than prisoners! The difference is that they can wander around the city and chat idly.

The goal of any game mode should be to provide 100% fun 100% of the time. Jail doesn't make any sense. I have about as much fun sitting in jail as I do sitting in a moderated IRC channel where everyone has voice except me. You actively encourage people to be criminals by making not being one extremely boring. Then you break up the fun and action of being a criminal by making them sit in a jail for 10 minutes because someone whacked them with a gold hammer. You are punishing them for doing the only fun thing in the game. Here's a better idea: make criminals have to pay for their own ammo. When they get caught by the police, they get fined. Instead of being kicked out of the game and forced to sit in a tiny room for 10 minutes, they have to sell their guns and go back to mugging people instead of mowing down defenseless building contractors with an automatic shotgun that fires 5000 rounds per second because people abuse the Q key and never runs out of ammo.

Even then, a criminal system is basically mutually exclusive with an RPG (unless you're making a RPG that is focused on all kinds of crime, smuggling etc, instead of murdering your fellow players to steal the green stuff that spills out of them when they die). If the idea is to create a "dynamic player driven economy in where the only limit to what you can sell is your imagination and the demand of the market, focused on relationships and socializing," it's failed miserably. If the goal was to create DM, it's done a pretty decent job, but it would have been a lot better if was a DM from the beginning, with all of the features geared towards making it a more fun DM.

There are a some people out there who enjoy it, but I'm pretty certain that it's because they've gotten so used to eating stuff that they forgot what a good meal tasted like. It's far from my place to dictate what you eat though, bon appétit.

tldr: read the bolded bits

Forum Games / The Amazing Adventures of @, Take Two
« on: July 02, 2009, 10:44:44 PM »
Yeah the first adventure didn't work out so well:

Quote from: The Amazing Adventures of Axe Dragonslayer, Take One
Hey guys I have this totally amazing new idea that you've never heard of and it's awesome! I'm going to draw an ugly picture in paint and you tell me what happens next! Except I'm going to get bored of drawing in 2 days and then the thread will die! Plus I'll never do any of the things you guys ask.

Okay. You wake up in this room. What do you do?

Pick up the sitting on the and put it in your .

Okay so here's how it works. This thread is basically a parody of all of the stuffty mspaint adventure threads that have been made so far but I decided to escalate the stupidity by removing all of the pictures. The first person to post decides what happens, as long as it doesn't drive the character or story into a position where the character or story cannot continue (read this as: I will ignore everything I think is stupid - attempting to rape every npc in the game will get you ignored).

Don't worry if you don't know what any of the symbols are. The only ASCII games I've ever played are Rogue and Dwarf Fortress, so if you've played either you'll have some idea of what they are. I'll probably use a mixture of both. I'll probably make some up as I go along.

If you don't know what something is, just type out the symbol and some generic action. For example, if you said "Look at the !" I'd probably say "You see a green potion." That's your cue that a ! is a potion. "Pick up the ♠" would probably result in "You try and pick up the tree, but it's firmly rooted the ground."

I realize this might start to get a little slow as people post things like "Look at the ?" (that's a scroll by the way) so I'm going to provide a few text lines along with each post that basically explains what's going on so stuff gets done. I'll probably also do multiple actions people post as long as they are compatible, giving preference to the first post.


  | 1|   |       |                 ~      ♠       |
  |+-|   |     3 |                 ~              |
  |      |       |          ♠      ~              |
♠ |      |-+-----|                ~   |-----------|
  |                               ~   |           |
  |                               ~   |           |
  |                               =  + 6          |
  +                                ~ H|           |
 ♠|               |--------|       ~  |           |
  |               |  5     |       ~  |           |
  |       @       +        |       ~  |-----------|
  |               |--------|       ~         ♠    |
  |                                ~              |
  | H                             ~               |
  |                          ♠    ~               |
  |                               ~               |
  |            |-------+---|      ~               |
  |            |           |       ~              |
  |+-|   ♠     | 4         |        ~             |
  | 2|         |           |        ~         ♠   |

It's early in the morning and not everyone is here yet. To the east lies the castle gate to the fairground greens. There's a guard standing near the wall. To the west is the castle, there's a guard standing at the gate.

1- North Guard Tower
2- South Guard Tower
3- Blacksmith and  Clothier
4- Greenwich County Historical Restoration Society Booth
5- Apothecary
6- Castle

Summon Business Card - Summons a business card.
Disguise: Tourist (Passive, always in effect) - You look like a stupid tourist.
Sneak: You crouch into a sneaky crouching position. It doesn't actually make you any more sneaky, you just think you're being sneaky. You can hum the Mission Impossible theme if you like.

Credit Card
Car keys
Hotel key
a dollar and 36 cents
2 tickets to an Emu and the Flying Ostriches concert
Illuminated poster

Off Topic / new instant message accounts
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:48:12 PM »
I got tired of you people trying to add me as a friend on facebook. No, I don't want to be your friend. There were also tons of people from Blockland who I couldn't remember on my buddy list and it was embarrassing when they messaged me and I didn't know who they were. It's taken a few weeks but now I'm in the final stages of trying to separate my internet identity from my real life one.

If you need to email me my new email address is Any email sent to it will get forwarded to my old email account, I've just created it so I have an added barrier between the email address I use for banking/college/talking to friends. Emailing my old hotmail address will get you no response. My aol address will forward messages to me, but I'd rather you not use it.

My MSN and AIM accounts are also I deleted all of my AIM and MSN contacts, so I don't have you. I still use my old AIM account, but the only people on it now are my relatives/real life friends, so don't try and IM me at it. Tell me what your forum account name the first time I message you so I can change your alias locally. Seriously, you guys name yourselves some of the most stupid unidentifiable names and that little "x is listening to lolololo.mp3" thing pisses me off.

Now that I've separated everything out I'll actually be online again! Also, I'm almost always on steam. If someone starts posting goatse all over the RTB forums (or worse, posts another copy of CityRP in the mod database) you can reach me in either of those places.

this is now a general post your ___ account thread

bolded tldr bits

Mapping Help / Sky Panorama - a skybox generation tool
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:48:29 PM »
I've been looking for programs to do it for a while. Terragen is great, and it has a lot of options. For the people who don't want to spend an our tweaking options, I found this one today and it looks promising:

I don't have the time to experiment with it at the moment, but you're welcome to take a look at it yourself. If you find out anything, be sure to share. It's very simple to use - Press Z or A if you want a sky or a place in space. Then press F1 to render. Then press S to save. It saves as a huge BMP files - 3072x512 and around 4.5MB average. It looks like it would be pretty simple to divide it into 6 pieces (512 divides into 3072 exactly 6 times and there's six sides on a cube, what a coincidence), convert it to the right file format (jpg) and make a pretty skybox. Try it and post some screenshots from ingame.

Space renderings generate a lot faster than a sky rendering. Overcast skies are pretty ugly (and you can tell when you're getting them because the program slows down a lot on the lighting clouds stage), but some of the other skies are quite nice. It really surprised me when I got my first space map with a planet, I didn't realize they were in there. It was realistically lit and had a cool atmosphere glow effect. I was even more surprised when a nice red planet appeared in the day sky.

One drawback of the program is that there are absolutely no options. You have to have a blue sky. You can't change the number of stars. What you get is randomly generated. Skies also have a hole in the bottom because of the way the sky is generated. Most of the time you won't be able to see it anyway because there is fog and terrain in the way. You might want to stick to terragen or another program if you want a bright pink sky (although you can always run your sky through a few filters on photoshop if you want) or if you want people to be able to see the bottom of your sky (the only map I can think of that ever needed this was Celestial Dreams).

I'll post some pictures later.

Grab the statistics here.

Most of the stuff you care about will be in the first 6 pages. If you're writing a paper for school or something, it's a pretty good set of video/computer game related statistics.

  • 94% of the time a person under the age of 18 purchases a game a parent is present.
  • 83% of the time a person under the age of 18 receives permission from the parents before renting or buying a game. The ESA does lobby for the video game industry, these statements sound a lot like stuff they'd put in a pamphlet they'd send out to lawmakers considering video game legislation.
  • Puzzle games are the most popular online games. Yawn.
  • Video games seem to sell in much greater volume than computer games.
  • A World of Warcraft expansion pack was the best selling computer game of 2007.
  • Only 4 of the top 20 selling video games in 2007 were rated M. The best selling console game was Halo 3.
  • In 2007, the highest selling genre of games was strategy games. That surprised me.
  • Women age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%).
  • The average game playing age is 35.

This data is only representative of general population of America. I'm pretty sure that it goes without saying that if you live in Kenya these won't apply to you. If you want statistics for your country search for your national video game trade group and hope they publish some kind of statistics.

If you live in England, the name of your organization is ELSPA, their website is and you can find their 4 year old and mostly boring, industry related data here. The information you actually want is here. is maintained by ELSPA.

Here's a quick summary:

  • 27.2% of all active gamers in the UK are women.
  • 32.2% of the UK population are gamers. The sites goes on to mention that 26% of French nationals are gamers. Evidently the British hate the French so much that even their trade groups try and one up them.
  • 38.2% of the UK population is an active computer gamer.

The Interactive Software Federation of Europe has statistics for all of Europe. You can find a huge number of studies by clicking on "the industry", then "studies and reports", then "industry and gamers." I don't have time to look through all the reports, if you find something interesting, feel free to post. There is also a huge number of academic papers here related to violence and video games, so if you plan on writing a paper for school on the subject anytime soon, bookmark it! They've got some in French and German too. It's a great resource. In fact, bookmark this whole thread.

What is the ESA?
The ESA is the U.S. association dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies
publishing interactive games for video game consoles, handheld devices, personal computers, and the
Internet. The ESA offers services to interactive entertainment software publishers including a global antipiracy
program, owning the E3 Media & Business Summit, business and consumer research, federal and
state government relations, First Amendment and intellectual property protection efforts.

Where do these numbers come from?
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) released its 2008 Essential Facts About the Computer
and Video Game Industry in July 2008. The data included in 2008 Essential Facts was gathered in an
annual study conducted by Ipsos-MediaCT for the ESA. The study is the most in-depth and targeted
survey of its kind, gathering data from over 1,200 nationally representative households that have
been identified as owning either or both a video game console or a personal computer used to run
entertainment software.

Hi incoming members of The Better Mod forums who clicked the link! Welcome to The Better Game forums. Please read our rules before posting. While I'm sure it was unintentional, releasing your mod under the GPL and then bundling it with the game means you released the game under the license as well. It's understandable and probably just an excusable oversight. Of course, stealing models from RTB isn't. Have a nice day.

Yep, the Blockland engine is packaged right into the "The Orange Block Client", all of the original artwork, everything. You're allowed to use the bedroom map in your shiny new FPS you made on Unreal Engine free of charge. Don't feel like taking the time to design a main character? No sweat, just use "ACTION BRICKMAN" instead, copyright The Better Mod 2009, used with permission, all rights reserved. Realized you can't actually afford the Unreal Engine? Just reverse engineer the game and hash out your own engine complete with "realistic block staking architecture" - provided you credit the Orange Block Team and release it under the GPL license as well.

I wasn't aware that you were allowed to take other people's copyrighted art and release it under a new license, but now that I see you can, I'm releasing every game ever produced into the public domain. Free games for everyone!

I think that a program that could model bricks or something to convert a model into a brick (sketchup plugin?) would be a great idea, even more so with the release of prop bricks. People are frightened by the current system and instead turn to dts shapes mounted to invisible blocks. While it is the only option for animated models, it bypasses all of that effort that was put into optimizing Blockland for the large brick loads we enjoy today. I haven't downloaded them yet (and don't plan to), but I'm pretty sure that not one of the prop bricks are animated. When used sparingly, they don't cause a tremendous performance hit. But the fact of the matter is that we shouldn't be required to use certain bricks sparingly. We have a system for much more efficient bricks and it should be used.

I realize that there are probably some technical limitations or issues that I am not aware of, but until there is an easier way to do it (or Badspot goes out of his way to block the addons) people will continue to do stuff the wrong way. I don't know if the household pack would work with the system as I am not aware of its limitations (personally I like built furniture more anyway), but I do know that Packer's brick pack could benefit from it. There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to place 30 thousand 1x2 vents in my builds. Since the method is basically the same as beta blockland's, we're back down to 2 or 3 thousand of them.

He also has a list of "unfixible issues" which could be completely fixed if the bricks were made correctly.

Grill plate - Can build ontop of it.
Steering Wheel - Same as above.
Tray - Same as above, side details go through other bricks.
Ramp Wing - Can build on the parts that don't have any support.
Rail Fence - Can build through the detail part, cannot spray/hammer though the detail part, only colourable on the 1x6.
Wing Brick - the studs rotate with the model rather then staying in one position like normal bricks, the collision acts like a box rather then allowing projectiles in the sides.
Crystal - Building on top was partly intended so no real worries.

Mapping Help / working on a mapping tutorial
« on: April 11, 2009, 01:59:46 PM »
If you'd like to contribute, let me know, and I'll give you collaborator status. You'll also get access to my mapping for blockland google notebook, which has a large number of clippings of tutorials and forum posts from other websites that need to be converted specifically for Blockland (replace screenshots with blockland ones, change file directories, fill in missing steps, etc).

I started this project because it's a better organizational method for the tutorials I wrote so far on the RTB wiki than one monster article and I feel that collecting them this way will be more useful for the community, but I hope to have it grow a bit with contributions from other members.

You don't have to write anything new for this. If you'd like to donate an existing tutorial you wrote 5 months ago and it only 2 views, please do it.

You need a gmail account to actually modify the website. Send an email to if you'd like to write. I don't have a problem posting content for you if you don't have a gmail account. If that's the case, just post your tutorial or a link to it here and I'll make a page for it.

If you're interested in adapting my notebook, don't just plagiarize them, we've got to rewrite them and cite the original article. Where appropriate (the tutorial does not need to be modified further and can be used as is, and adding it to our website would just be a simple cut and paste job), we'll just add a link to them resource "blog," which is intended to be a place where various mapping resources (textures, interiors, skies and the tutorials mentioned earlier) and short tutorials that don't deserve their own article can be posted.

Games / Let's Play TES:Morrowind - Vote on the character build now!
« on: March 26, 2009, 11:32:12 PM »
Marcem had the great idea to pass around a saved character for Morrowind. You can read the original thread here.

It's now time to start voting on the character build. Each question contains a link to the relevant article at, be sure to check it! We aren't trying to power level here or anything, so for most of them, you can pick whatever you like. But if you don't bother reading what each of the signs do we might end up picking something useless, like the serpent.

You can vote here Polling is closed.

You can view the results here. The spreadsheet is now hidden, the results will be posted soon.

Polling will end on the afternoon of Thursday, April 2nd, Eastern Time.

You should also post if you want to participate in Marcem's thread so we can arrange turn order, agree on rules, etc.

Drama / If your game mode has no GUI, you're doing it wrong.
« on: March 18, 2009, 04:56:18 PM »
Since you can't have Wedge [GRAVEROBBER] above your name anymore (or as badspot so accurately described it, having your job floating above your head in a gigantic ugly sentence), I figure certain RP mods that will not be named are going to be updating soon. So I'll post this before they update, hoping that maybe someone will actually read it and make some changes.

If I can enter your server and type /help and then this appears:

/inventory - shows your current invetory
/message <name> - sends a message to <name>
/mail <ID> - stores a message on the server to give to <ID> when they login
/list <object> - lists all items in <objects>
(Press Pagedown, 45 more commands)

I hate you. Make a GUI. Something like /join red team for a tdm is fine. /purchase 400 smg rounds is not.

I recognize that people don't have to download your game mode off of the forums to play it. I also realize how fast it is to make this stuff. But it's not nearly as intuitive as a GUI. You give up the ability to let players bind stuff to keys and really show off your mod. Stuff like money, bricks, rocks, kills and your current bounty REALLY should be displayed on the user's HUD. Yes, you will have less people on the server. Yes, people will join the server and say "wtf y cant i play" (unless you have a brain and put the password to your server in the add-on thread). But it will also increase the longevity of your mod.

Try taking some pride in your work and make it really shine with beautiful interfaces rather then rushing out a POS because of popular demand. Text commands are fine on your beta server, but if you go public with them it feels like it's still a beta.

Not only this, but you morons sometimes forget to update the help and leave commands unlisted. Love your new job system! Too bad I can't use it because I was supposed to type /command list job set job Wedge plumber.




If there is any way I can convince you NOT to do a text based command system or somehow assist you in the creation of a GUI with my very limited knowledge, let me know. I can start off by linking you to the lovely icon set I used in my mockup. These are same icons RTB, ERPG, Gmod, Facepunch and millions of other websites and programs use.

The are licensed under a CC2.5 license. All you need to do is include the above url somewhere in your add-on post. To use them.

Mapping Help / Can anybody open this web page?
« on: March 17, 2009, 01:21:11 PM »
I can't seem to. If you can, could you save it as a pdf or a picture or something? I've got the text off the page saved, but I don't have the pictures anymore, and it's hard follow the tutorial without being able to see them.

Games / STALKER Alpha released by GSC for free
« on: March 03, 2009, 09:14:27 PM »
I happened to be browsing my RSS feeds between classes when I saw a headlines which seemed almost too good to be true: O.L.D.E.R.: Alpha STALKER released for free.

I'm not going to bother summarizing the RPS article, you can read it yourself. For whatever reason, GSC (the guys behind STALKER for those of you who didn't know) decided to release the alpha of STALKER.

You can either download it straight off of GSC's website , although due to limits they put on the number of files you can download at once and the lack of an incredibly useful readme, I'd recommend sticking with the torrent provided in the article.

The series is notoriously unstable, and the alpha is definitely no exception. Don't download this if you want an amazing completely finished and polished game. Don't even expect something that is very playable. You'll be disappointed.

I guess I'll start off by telling a few of the short adventures I had. (Long wall of text, if you don't care skip to the bottom of the post for more game information)

I started the game by running run_alife_s.bat. I was immediatley greeted by a big blank white screen. I was convinced that the game had already crashed, but no, it was quickly followed by a loading screen. After loading, I suddenly appeared on a road. I'm not sure what was  behind me because I didn't live long enough to check it out. The road stretched far off into the distance in front of me, with what looked like several promising buildings to explore, were it not for the roaming herds of mutant dogs and pigs. Fortunately there was a group of stalkers in front of me. I approached them hoping I could follow them to wherever they were walking for safety - they could help fight off anything I met on the way. Unfortunately, they began shooting at me. I killed one of them, hid behind a tree, and began equipping the assault rifle he dropped. I was instantly murdered by a mob of 10 or 12 stalkers all armed with rifles. :(

In this game, death carries a harsh penalty: a lovely crash to the desktop. So don't die.

My second journey was somewhat more successful. I spawned in what I later assumed was a military outpost - from where I was it looked like a bunch of concrete. I walked into the building and everyone started shooting me. This time I was prepared. I knew everyone in the game had a vendetta against me and trying to fight back was a lost cause. Instead I ran off, hoping to explore some more before I was shot. I walked over to a boat sitting in the middle of a field. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way onto it while under light fire. I tried to find a quick escape route. Then I noticed a huge oil pipeline. It divided a field in half. One side was a large fenced of military compound which I can only assume is filled with tons of angry clones waiting to yell at me in Russian and kill me. On the other side was a huge herd of mutants. The pipeline had twisted fencing running parallel and occasionally crossing over it. I could use this as a sort of highway, running down it in relative safety with the fence protecting me from the mutant horde. As I approached it I noticed a strange beeping - which I soon recognized as a the anomaly detector. Due to a glitch in the shaders, I couldn't actually see the anomaly. All I could do was slowly rotate in circles while advancing and backtracking until the beeping slowed. All the while this idiot soldier is taking the occasional shot at me with his stuffty rifle from 500m away (the game features a handy little distance indicator). Of course they aren't landing anywhere near me, but it doesn't ease the tension. I can see the mutants running around in the distance too. I escape and make it onto the oil pipeline. After following it for a full minute and a half, my game crashes, with the end still not in sight.

[UPDATE: I just got to the end of the pipeline. There's what looks like a barracks full of more army goons waiting to kill me.]

[UPDATE2: I poked around the GSC forums and found out some people managed to spawn at the popper start of the game where they aren't surrounded by mobs of people itching to murder them with only a pistol and 20 bullets. I'm not sure how to do this.]

It's really a lot of fun, I hope to properly explore it later this week. I tried taking a screenshot of the pipeline with print screen but it didn't work so I'll have to go back to it and use fraps or something.

Saving DOES work, it was really my fault for not saving. I only lost a few minutes of progress.

Anyway, go download it and have some fun. All dialogue is in Russian so don't expect to do a lot of talking unless you can read it. And apparently the community is looking into making patches for it, so expect an unofficial patch that helps out with the crashes and bugs in the distant and unforeseeable future.

Off Topic / topic redacted
« on: March 02, 2009, 08:08:12 PM »
whoa it suddenly occurred to me that this might be a bad idea.

Off Topic / New Blockland ID List Compiling Method
« on: February 02, 2009, 08:36:28 PM »
Yeah, so I noticed it's already on 5.0 or whatever and still being updated by hand. Here's a lovely new test list using Google forms and spread sheets. It will automatically update with whatever you add in. I'll still have to take a look at the list every once to sort it numerically and delete entries where someone typed in "LOL" for the ID or whatever (since I can't make the field numerical characters only).

If you'd like to test it, here are the links:

The ID Submission Form
The ID List

Oh, and there's no girl or ban flags. I left them out because I personally think they're a load needless of bullstuff.

If you really want, version 2.0 of the form can feature radio buttons to select gender and a comment field.

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