Author Topic: DuckDuckGo | The Better Search Engine  (Read 2816 times)

The Better Search Engine

Like Privacy? DDG has it.
Like Accurate and Unbiased search results? DDG has it!
Like not getting stupid google ads in your search results?

DDG has it.

DuckDuckGo is also in most web browsers as a default search engine option.


They all support DDG as a search engine.

It's pretty cool.

i think that it might be too good to be true, but i still use it anyway
it's a very minimalistic search engine too, which i like

A good sign is that it isn't asking for my permission on cookies, meaning they either don't have any tracing cookies, or they are breaking EU law.

A good sign is that it isn't asking for my permission on cookies, meaning they either don't have any tracing cookies, or they are breaking EU law.
Q: Does DuckDuckGo store cookies?

A: DuckDuckGo does not store cookies by default, but can store your custom settings in a non-personal browser cookie. No personally identifiable information is stored in the cookie.

And this is for the DDG extension, the website itself is not storing cookies.

I use it too. I like the little ducky

i mostly use this site to search for torrents or movie streaming sites cause Google clutters the front page with fake ones

i use it but i still dont trust it

a corporation? that only says "trust us bro we dont collect anything" is almost always lying. i think everyone learned that the hard way when "no log" vpns gave all their logs to the feds

i still use it for some stuff though

It's a solid search engine but I wouldn't say it's good privacy wise due to it being based in the USA. If you want actual privacy then consider using Searx instead.

i'll take "obvious advertisement" for 500, alex.

i'll take "obvious advertisement" for 500, alex.

They didn't pay me. But technically you're right i guess.

Its an advertisement... Because forget google.

Hey guys, it's Not-A-Big-Corp here. You see those guys over there at Google? You don't like getting your information stolen, right? Yeah, stolen! Harvested like grain. So, we made a search engine which is identical to Google, but we promise that we're not harvesting and selling your information. Please use our search engine!
How are we getting money? How are we aggregating common search results? Don't ask questions.

I just searched Among Us on DuckDuckGo and it came up with a small town in europe. This search engine sucks but I must admit it is better than bing

finally an opinion from mm that i don't dislike

i've been tempted to switch lately but tbh i use so many other big tech stuff (instagram/twitter/google maps/flagship android phones/etc) that just changing my search engine probably wouldn't benefit me much at all, so i haven't bothered hawyee