
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161798 times)

Holy stuff I just got the most toxic team ever. Every member of my team was threatening to afk until I stole a drag and 1v5 pentakilled their team

Their voli rage afked after I camped his lane really hard and took out vayne in every team fight

anybody wanna play some matches with me, I'm on the NA server

its honestly because of the more stable meta.
then a new champion comes out and everything is either broken or useless again

then a new champion comes out and everything is either broken or useless again

uhh, no. Bard wasn't overpowered, riot actually had to give him buffs after the release on the PBE, also how would 1 champion affect the whole meta? It's absurd and non-realistic.

how would 1 champion affect the whole meta? It's absurd and non-realistic.

Rito pls nerf this champion

sej is fun
I've been playing sej since the poro skin came out, and the new items just make it even more fun

i guess i should try sej

i've been playing malphite because oddone has been playing him a ton, and really enjoying him. i think tank junglers are my favorite to play after the new item was added

I've been playing braum jungle but that's just me being a goon

The manly Teemo skin everyone has been asking for.

Thanks rito.

Satan has reached his final form, finally. And his quotes, holy stuff...

rip ad fizz ;-;

they removed % health shred on w active on pbe

man im really sad about that

i had so much fun playing fizz last week when he was free..guess im not gonna be buying fizz afterall

actualy they made the % shred a part of w passive now? so you wont gain as much from as if you dont have ap to use the w active that got an ap ratio