Author Topic: I cant find 1x1 poles anywhere for my MERP games I want to make anyone know any?  (Read 2005 times)

I did like 13 times before I posted this I'm not  a moron.

Just keep doing it on the right thread, somebody will respond eventually.

I did the same thing when I joined the forums, I made threads in the wrong sections and it didn't make me very popular with some of the edgy kids

Looking into it, there's actually no good way to look up the current pole brick packs. The forums search only has Thick Poles Plus, which is a good pack, but isn't what the OPs looking for.

Had to resort to Google to find the useful packs, and boy are there a few.
We have Pole Adapters:
We have Horizontal Poles:
We have Diagonal Poles:
And we have Pole Prints:

I also have an extra pack that I can't find anywhere called "Pole Offsets" made by a user named Kris*? It's a pack of the basic poles, but offset from the center of a 1x1 stud. I have no idea where it came from or where I got it. I can't even necessarily say if it's useful or not, but Ill re-upload it if anybody's interested. (The pack was horribly broken, overwriting existing pole bricks and missing icons but I fixed all that)

Pole bricks
Note that these are an outdated pack of poles that nobody should be using that are incompatible with all the packs listed above. If you have this pack on, the Pole Adapter pack, which was made as a replacement, will not load. However, Pole Adpaters will replace the outdated pack in builds on loadup.

I also have an extra pack that I can't find anywhere called "Pole Offsets" made by a user named Kris*? It's a pack of the basic poles, but offset from the center of a 1x1 stud. I have no idea where it came from or where I got it. I can't even necessarily say if it's useful or not, but Ill re-upload it if anybody's interested. (The pack was horribly broken, overwriting existing pole bricks and missing icons but I fixed all that)
I definitely had these at one point I believe. They're pretty useful.

I definitely had these at one point I believe. They're pretty useful.

Do you remember where you got them? Cause I totally dont.
I did however find that they overwrote a bunch of the pole adapter bricks, so I fixed that and gave them proper brick icons.
I'll prolly just have to upload my revision.

Alright, stepping in to say forget you to all the dipstuffs who say "JuSt UsE tHe SeArCh FeAtUrE!"

The search feature is stuff. Even if it wasn't, if you don't know the name you can't find it.

If there was an add-on repository that would be a different story, but this is a forum with thousands of posts, threads and outdated add-ons. Even if you find what you're looking for it could be out of date or the link could be dead. So if Everytime you see a person asking for an add-on and your immediate kneejerk reaction is to tell them to use the search feature, I ask you to change you password to gibberish and use the log out feature.

Alright thanks everyone here for the help I got the poles you are all awesome. (Also I made a account for the forums 4 days ago)