Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 238020 times)

will u be able to break the "single objects" apart for cool physics reasons
Follow-up question
Will there be hinges and stuff so you can add wheels to these single objects?
And then going a step further, could one motorize these hinges to create a vehicle out of planted bricks?

These are things I've wanted to do in BL since I was 11.


so the brick physics are a mix between ROBLOX and BL?

that's amazing

how about vehicle physics?

This is... Wow, that looks really good for a pre-alpha. I have faith in you guys, make something amazing.

This looks promising!

What do you think of making a blog or something for the development of this instead of using this forum?
Eventually I would like to make an official blog or site for the game.

Stick with Unity. Between the two, Unity is much easier to learn and the user base is much more active, and like 50x more games have been made with Unity than Unreal Engine. Plus Unity is much more optimized and easier to run out of the box than UE
Also that single object system will be loving fun as stuff to mess with lmao I can imagine the possibilities

Like you'd build a whole house on a single 1x1 brick (which is holding the baseplate) then u delete or break that 1x1 and cause the house to tumble down a mountain or something lmao
One of the main things I like about the engine is that it's so easy to work with, which really speeds up the development process. And yeah, there's so much you can do with the physics system lol. I can't wait to start making buildings and then use a gravity gun to toss them at other players toss them around the map.

will u be able to break the "single objects" apart for cool physics reasons
Follow-up question
Will there be hinges and stuff so you can add wheels to these single objects?
And then going a step further, could one motorize these hinges to create a vehicle out of planted bricks?

These are things I've wanted to do in BL since I was 11.
Brick physics (similar to Blockland) are definitely planned. It would be awesome to be able to break builds up into chunks, but I'm not sure how to script that yet lol.
And you'll be able to attach things like wheels and other bricks to builds to create your own vehicles.

so the brick physics are a mix between ROBLOX and BL?

that's amazing

how about vehicle physics?
Yes sir, and vehicles will use Unity's built-in physics system.

can i suplex people?
That would be interesting lol

unity needs script compilation unlike bl too which means no ingame realtime modding
Tabletop Simulator has in-game scripting with Lua. That's Unity, IIRC.

Can you make bots that can kill you?

Tabletop Simulator has in-game scripting with Lua. That's Unity, IIRC.

Tabletop Simulator has in-game scripting with Lua. That's Unity, IIRC.

it also supports 3d models and textures on the fly as well

Can you make bots that can kill you?
You bet. Bots are planned to be included.

Could brick tessellation be implemented in the future as a toggleable graphics option?
Along side with higher poly count rounded objects?
What about the actual brick textures themselves, would you plan on changing them to something different?

Is there anyway the community can assist/help in the efforts of this projects? There's a lot of dedicated users that I'd imagine would love pitching in.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 06:37:52 AM by UnRegistered »

You bet. Bots are planned to be included.
oh god
he's creating skynet

On the topic of creating a site or a blog, I recommend using something like MyBB, or one of.the various modern forum styles and just use the announcements page for all the blogging. You can keep that as the only forum open and have people reply to it to give feedback until the game gets an official release.

can't wait to see more of this