Author Topic: [Server] Blood/Gore (Performance issue fixed)  (Read 15315 times)

Blood and Gore
Maybe RBlood or something? Idk how to distinguish it from the other gore mods

Blood mod that adds several gore and blood effects to the game. It should work with SMMBlood.
Here is a video demonstration:

Quick rundown of features:
- Will dynamically paint your character red over time in response to being around blood, I.E. stepping on blood will paint your feet red over time, blood dripping on you from the ceiling will paint your upper body red, standing next to someone who got shot will paint you slightly red, standing next to someone who just got blown up in an explosion will paint you significantly red, getting shot will paint the limb that was hit significantly red and other limbs randomly
- Static-shaped based blood, sticks to walls and drips from ceiling
- Debris based blood, cubes will explode out of your enemies and bounce around among particle effects
- Dismemberment, being shot with a high-powered gun will blow a limb off upon death
- Gibbing, being killed by an explosion and being close to it's epicenter at the time of death will result in your body being ripped to pieces
- Bleeding, if you get shot you will leave a trail of blood for a period of time afterward

Prefs (taken from server.cs)
Code: [Select]
// -- General -----
$Pref::RBloodMod::MinimumBloodThreshold = 1;        // Minimum amount of damage required for blood to appear
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodFadeTime = 15000; // Time blood static shapes will stick around before disappearing
$Pref::RBloodMod::DisableStatic = false;        // Disable/Enable static shape blood
$Pref::RBloodMod::UseCubeGore = true; // Disable/Enable cube debris based gore
$Pref::RBloodMod::LimbReddening = true; // Disable/Enable player limb node reddening when exposed to blood
$Pref::RBloodMod::LimbReddeningFactor = 0; // Raise this to lower the amount of reddening that occurs
$Pref::RBloodMod::LimbReddeningSplash = 1; // Scale amount of limb reddening splash that occurs when someone is shot
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodColor = "1 0 0 1";        // Color of blood

// -- Dismemberment -----
$Pref::RBloodMod::UseLimbStubs = true; // Disable/Enable limb dismemberment stubs
$Pref::RBloodMod::DismemberDamage = 90; // Damage required to shoot off a limb

// -- Explosions --------
$Pref::RBloodMod::DistanceToGib = 6; // Distance from epicenter of explosion required to gib players killed in explosions
$Pref::RBloodMod::MinimumGibDamage = 70; // Minimum radius damage required to gib somebody
$Pref::RBloodMod::StaticBloodAmt = 1; // Scale amount of static blood that occurs when someone is gibbed

// -- Bleeding -----------
$Pref::RBloodMod::DisableBleed = false; // Disable/Enable bleeding after damage
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodTimeScale = 1; // Scale length of bleeding effect
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodAmountScale = 1; // Scale amount of blood that occurs during blood effect

Previous Version (v3.4)
Previous Version (v4.1)
Server_RBlood (v5.0)

Known issue
At some point I was having a weird performance issue that was lowering my fps but I haven't been able to reproduce it since. everything is being deleted properly so unless someone can reliably reproduce I'm going to assume it's a weird quirk with alt-tabbing or something Fixed!

Blood and gore is projectileData::damage based and not Armor::Damage based, so if your weapon uses raycasts exclusively and not a raycast/projectile combo you probably won't see blood Fixed!

Phydeoux - Skeleton ribcage model
Amade/Badspot - foot and hand assets recycled from Server_VehicleGore
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 10:04:25 PM by Rally »

damn that looks nice, think i prefer it over the other blood mods

Update (Lol): Fixed a pretty crucial problem that caused playertypes/bots without matching nodenames to turn invisible

Thank you @ Torin for catching that

Updated again, hopefully this will be the last for a bit

- added support for animated melee playertype
- fixed console spam related to blood puddle triggers being triggered by things other than players
- added $Pref::RBloodMod::DisablePuddleTrigger
- added Player::RBloodSimulate function with the arguments %position, %velocity, %projectileData, %projectileScale and %dismemberOnKill. This should theoretically make it much easier to patch weapon packs that don't parent ProjectileData::Damage or refuse to use projectiles in general.
- added time condition to stepping in blood puddles preventing players who get shot from instantly getting red feet

example for RBloodSimulate:
Say you have a weapon that only raycasts and doesn't use a projectile, you could either make a projectile datablock that mimics the damage/range your raycast has or you could just feed it gunProjectile, the difference wont be too noticeable. For melee weapons that don't use projectiles, you could just feed it swordProjectile. The fourth argument refers to projectile scale, the fifth argument is an optional boolean that determines whether or not a dismemberment will occur on the final blow.
%player.RBloodSimulate(%position, %vector, gunProjectile, 1);
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 06:52:21 AM by Rally »

lol aebaadcode just lost

« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 10:54:31 AM by Edd Eddington »

lol aebaadcode just lost
im pretty sure aebaadcode just had access to the mod, i was on his server and it looked exactly the same

does it blind you with particles if you knife someone or get injured like the other blood mods

does it blind you with particles if you knife someone or get injured like the other blood mods

Don't think so. Emitters originate at the point of impact instead of being mounted to the player as an image so unless you get shot directly where the camera is you probably shouldn't see anything at all

lol aebaadcode just lost
im pretty sure aebaadcode just had access to the mod, i was on his server and it looked exactly the same

What happened? I don't recall giving out access to aebaadcode
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 11:51:24 AM by Rally »

he made a dismemberment mod with similar features but this is totally different

is there glass prefs??? also i dont see blood
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 02:01:30 PM by datiel12 »

is there glass prefs??? also i dont see blood...

No but you can manually edit prefs by opening the console with the (~) key and editing them manually. For example, typing this:
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodFadeTime = 1000;
In console will set $Pref::RBloodMod::BloodFadeTime to one second. Will persist even after you restart blockland.

No but you can manually edit prefs by opening the console with the (~) key and editing them manually. For example, typing this:
$Pref::RBloodMod::BloodFadeTime = 1000;
In console will set $Pref::RBloodMod::BloodFadeTime to one second. Will persist even after you restart blockland.
ok i found out its only for defaults? and it dont work with conans dueling weps!! this is like perfect for it!
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 02:17:17 PM by datiel12 »

ok i found out its only for defaults? and it dont work with conans dueling weps!! this is like perfect for it!

if it doesnt work with an addon, then it means it doesnt parent damage(custom damage or no projectiles(raycasts)) so you have to add an rbloodsimulate line in the damage script