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Messages - CityRPG

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 105
Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead Season 2!
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:18:20 AM »
But your predictions are assumptions too and I have no idea what you mean by "gross."
You are only saying that because Aphtonites doesn't like me.Preemptive: this is tony logic applied to him.

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead Season 2!
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:15:24 AM »
He made brash and gross assumptions about my predictions and I take offense to his stupidity.

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead Season 2!
« on: March 11, 2012, 11:53:43 PM »
I've never read or followed the comic you dumb presumptuous mancunt. This is fairly obvious.

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead Season 2!
« on: March 11, 2012, 11:13:40 PM »
I thought Shane was a richard ever since he screwed Lori.
Lori is a giant manipulative cunt who deserves to be raped and eaten.

Shame was a heartless starfish who deserved to die.

Hershel and his youngest daughter will die in the finale.

Drama / Re: Icygamma - That friend is back
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:44:47 PM »
Let's all be friends now.

Icy, I love you.
Nick, I love you too.

Now, Icy, do you love Nick?
What about you, Nick?

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 4 on Pg 3)
« on: March 11, 2012, 05:54:49 PM »
Most practices of religion are "modernized."  People only remember and follow what they want to remember and follow.  I could bring up some examples but that'd just get a flame war started (assuming one hasn't started already.)
The Sabbath.

Any man who lifts a weight greater than that of a fig on a Sunday should be put to death.

Now modernized to the point where you only have to go to church if you want to, and, coincidentally, the only time I want to go to the YMCA and get a chicken biscuit is on Sunday.

Thanks, Jesus.

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 02:11:56 PM »
Again, that's your opinion that you're entitled to. But you are not entitled to your own facts, which you seem to think you are.
lol, nice argument.

This is why you're incapable of changing anything. You can't even convince me.

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 02:08:33 PM »
And you're entitled to your opinions. This is a thread about my opinions, which you obviously disagree with to the point of acting like I shouldn't be allowed to have them.
You can have them, just don't expect anyone to care until you do something about it. I don't see any strong, opinionated young male here expressing his views, I see a coward moping on the Internet over his inability to fit in.

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 02:05:27 PM »
I am improving society by not contributing to the friendry, but I don't have the influence to get many others to do that
I can't speak for others, but I think you writing essays for Blockland is a thousand times more pathetic than the little 14 year olds going to see movies together over the weekend.

You're not badass or cool. You're not special or refined. You're just a spineless pusillanimous individual.

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 01:59:46 PM »
I am trying to think of something within logical means that I can do to convince people that society has gone down the stuffter. In the meanwhile, I have taken my time to share my opinion with people here, regardless if they disagree I have made it heard.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

If you want to do that, get a loving soapbox and megaphone, move to New Orleans, and preach with the rest of the choir. Or just keep stuffposting on Blockland, whatever works for you.

The correct questions to be asking yourself is, "How can I improve society?" "How can I help my community?" "How can I service my family, friends, and strangers alike?"
Not, "How can I bitch louder?" "What can I buy from Hot Topic to show others my discontentment with their culture?" "What size dragon carrot should I buy?"

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 01:51:58 PM »
One does not simply "Change society". This is an issue like a rainstorm. It's unpleasant, and we can only wait for things to get better. You can't tell 7 billion people they're doing it all wrong.
Uhhhh, what.

No, see, that brown townogy makes no sense, because people are capable of changing. That flaming homoloveual that made the Kony 2012 video has convinced millions of people to hang fliers in the name of some cause which might not even exist. Even on a small scale, people can change. My coworker uses a Word editing program that removes extra whitespace, destroying the meticulous tabbing of my code whenever he modifies it. Asking him to use Notepad++ or anything else instead solves my issue and inconveniences him none, a win-win.

If you want to change things, believe it or not, you have to do something. Even if it's just talking to people who are depressed from their week-long relationship stints about the pettiness of dating in their age range, it doesn't matter. Something is greater than nothing. You are doing nothing, so you are a loser.

Off Topic / Re: Society today (Part 6 on Pg 8)
« on: March 11, 2012, 01:43:40 PM »
I'm just going to point something out:

You've supposedly identified a massive underlying flaw in society and instead of doing anything to change it, you're posting your hypothesis to a bunch of kids on a lego game's forum.

Instead of doing anything, instead of improving yourself or planning your world domination, instead of researching candidates and trying to figure out how you can potentially alter the course of the future, you willingly choose to sit and do nothing because idle complaining is far more comfortable than real activism.

P.S. Your quote of the thread is basically the guy trying to excuse himself from atypical behaviorisms and not being able to secure a girlfriend, even for a week.

Drama / Re: Okiver - The New Lord Tony
« on: March 10, 2012, 10:12:03 PM »
How come if a woman has her shirt off on television its censored and that's completely fine,
but if its a pony suddenly its the most horrible thing you have ever seen and someone gets banned for it.


Censored woman on tv - Tv network isint taken off the air
Censored Ponies - Person is banned

the forget?
Is this a serious argument or are you playing devil's advocate for fun?

Drama / Re: Visage - Your stupidity gave me cancer
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:54:31 PM »
Anyone else notice how much this backfired.
We're too busy calling OP a friend.

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