Author Topic: opinions on love  (Read 11754 times)

No matter how much I give the ladies money they never trade me the love

bruh. Think about what you said. If my mother (the (source/origin) of myself in this context) was a virgin, I would not exist. I do exist. Therefore my (source/origin) could not be a virgin.
Im not even mad. I have empathy for you. You were severely neglected as a child, and in turn uneducated in many vital areas of life. The Internet became your mother (in a maternal sense, not source/origin) and now you have degraded to its level. I will pray for you. I wish you luck. My condolences, and may you regrow from your injuries and relatively traumatic childhood.

zoophile spotted

who are you and why am i in your head

who are you and why am i in your head
is this chump bothering you, king?

This really could get out of hand fast

I don't think pokemon are equatable to real dogs
do you not know what arcanine is

do you not know what arcanine is
It's a cartoon dog from a video game, key words being cartoon and video game, not reality.

It's a cartoon dog from a video game, key words being cartoon and video game, not reality.
"yea i want to forget the boss baby, its not real so it doesn't matter. im also a fan of babyfur"
do you hear how stupid you sound now when you apply this logic
« Last Edit: August 03, 2021, 06:59:49 PM by Nigel The Protagonist »

case closed nigel is a child enthusiast

Hi everyone i just joied the blockland forums

god made arcanine a hunk for a reason
yea so he could damn degenerates like you to hell