Author Topic: "pokemon ranch"  (Read 4962 times)

They did a pretty crappy job with the models...and why are they using the same screechy sounds from the gameboy game?

Now..if they wanted to make some real money, they should remake red/blue in 3D.

The models are like that to take up as little space.

And i like it, fits with the mii

Kinda creepy how all the characters on screen just stare at you constantly...


I read the wiki article.

I might get it, need to see more reviews when it comes to US.

Everyone will buy it.  Everyone will get bored within 2 hours and then sell them back to Game Stop.

Cough* wii ware *Cough

If im not mistaken that is.

Everyone will buy it.  Everyone will get bored within 2 hours and then sell them back to Game Stop.
I doubt it.
Little kids are easily amused, especially by Pokemon and the ability to have your own ranch to do whatever you want. I can guarantee to you my brother will buy this and play it for more than 5 days.

This reminds me of Hey! You Pikachu.

This reminds me of Hey! You Pikachu.

Except without anything to do.

it's kinda like the game on the game cube {Pokemon Chbrown town}