grab the cashiers face by his cheeks, and stare into his soul before accepting him into the group

and be sure you give him the slap too just incase!

Not a hard one tho because he ain't no hostile!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 07:48:14 PM by gameboy19 »

check and see where that trap door in the ceiling leads to. much curiosity

grab the cashiers face by his cheeks, and stare into his soul before accepting him into the group

You grasp the cashier, RUTH, by his face.
You stare deep into his soul.
He seems to be traumatized in the process.
But now he joins you and MUGZ.
All is fine, you guess.

and be sure you give him the slap too just incase!

Alas, you do not have the SP to AFFECTIONATELY SLAP.

check and see where that trap door in the ceiling leads to. much curiosity

You get on top of MUGZ's head. RUTH gets on yours.
You are already sweating bullets. MUGZ seems to be doing worse.
RUTH opens the access panel.
He says he sees mass production of furniture.
Industrial work at its finest, specifically.
Not what you expected, but OK.
Then again, you don't know what you expected anyway.

[YOU] LVL 1 (EXP 11) | HP 30/30 | SP 0/10 | STATUS AGH
[MUGZ] LVL 1 | $13.88 | HP 16/28 | SP 4/12 | STATUS AGHH
[RUTH] LVL 1 | $50 | HP 28/33 | SP 7/7 | STATUS WHAT

Your inventory consists of the MOBSTER FIT (equipped), SWAMP ASS BLUE PANTS, a FEAR OF SKIES, a BIG REVOLVER, and MAGNUM CALIBER ROUNDS (6x).
MUGZ's inventory consists of the SCATMAN JOHN SUIT (equipped), a GENERIC TRACKSUIT, a BARELY CONCEALED IDENTITY (equipped), and SWEET, SWEET LOVE (equipped).
RUTH's inventory consists of a STANDARD CASHIER'S RED SHIRT (equipped), LEMONADE YELLOW PANTS (equipped), a FAST AND WORDY NATURE (equipped), a SWEATY PITS YELLOW SHIRT (equipped), and ENVIABLE HEALTH (equipped).
There is a CUT BRAND FLATSCREEN TV on the floor.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 04:54:38 AM by NumberOneTuxedo »

see if there's any choice pieces of furniture in the attic, if there is, acquire it.

Have Ruth climb up to the attic then switch to Ruth's point of voice, The two stay in the TV room for the time being.

Have Ruth climb up to the attic then switch to Ruth's point of voice, The two stay in the TV room for the time being.

as the other two stay downstairs, watch the tv, hopefully nothing wacky or crazy is playing on the tv

slam the table with nobody behind it for no reason in particular

see if there's any choice pieces of furniture in the attic, if there is, acquire it.

You are pretty sure you told RUTH to do that.
You and MUGZ decided he has more experience.
So shouldn't he do the exploration?

Have Ruth climb up to the attic

RUTH jumps into the so-called ATTIC.
Since he used you as a stepping stool, you fall.
And so does MUGZ. Damn, that hurts.
You receive 12 HP damage. MUGZ receives 8 HP damage.
You and him both get up with hurt torsos, waiting for RUTH.

then switch to Ruth's point of voice, The two stay in the TV room for the time being.

You do not understand what a point of voice is.
Nor how to switch to it.
Also, staying down was the plan already.

as the other two stay downstairs, watch the tv, hopefully nothing wacky or crazy is playing on the tv

You and MUGZ watch the TV for while.
Nothing. The thing's dead.

slam the table with nobody behind it for no reason in particular

You brace your fists...

For the greatest TABLE SLAM ever!

Which if you did not know, costs 5 SP.

If you had any, that move's what you would be doing.

[YOU] LVL 1 (EXP 11) | HP 18/30 | SP 0/10 | STATUS FURIOUS
[MUGZ] LVL 1 | $13.88 | HP 9/28 | SP 4/12 | STATUS CONFUSED

Your inventory consists of the MOBSTER FIT (equipped), SWAMP ASS BLUE PANTS, a FEAR OF SKIES, a BIG REVOLVER, and MAGNUM CALIBER ROUNDS (6x).
MUGZ's inventory consists of the SCATMAN JOHN SUIT (equipped), a GENERIC TRACKSUIT, a BARELY CONCEALED IDENTITY (equipped), and SWEET, SWEET LOVE (equipped).
RUTH's inventory is currently unknown.
There is a CUT BRAND FLATSCREEN TV on the floor.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 05:47:46 AM by NumberOneTuxedo »

Take deep breathes, meditate to regain SP. Switch to Ruth's point of VIEW* thanks for catching my typo

thanks for catching my typo

no problem but it will not save you

Take deep breathes, meditate to regain SP

You MEDITATE (0 SP). It takes many minutes.
By the end of it, you get 8 SP back.
MUGZ is curious as to your methods.

Switch to Ruth's point of VIEW*

BUDDY, what does that even mean?
Changing the word didn't make it make more sense.
How would you do such a thing?

Plus, he's right here! Where's he been?
RUTH reports it was dark and scary up there.
But damn, was it interesting.
He does not seem to have pocketed anything.
Besides the SWEATY PITS YELLOW SHIRT on his head.
Apparently it almost fell off.

[YOU] LVL 1 (EXP 11) | HP 19/30 | SP 8/10 | STATUS SATISFIED
[MUGZ] LVL 1 | $13.88 | HP 10/28 | SP 4/12 | STATUS WONDERING
[RUTH] LVL 1 | $49.99 | HP 25/33 | SP 5/7 | STATUS SCARED

Your inventory consists of the MOBSTER FIT (equipped), SWAMP ASS BLUE PANTS, a FEAR OF SKIES, a BIG REVOLVER, and MAGNUM CALIBER ROUNDS (6x).
MUGZ's inventory consists of the SCATMAN JOHN SUIT (equipped), a GENERIC TRACKSUIT, a BARELY CONCEALED IDENTITY (equipped), and SWEET, SWEET LOVE (equipped).
RUTH's inventory consists of a STANDARD CASHIER'S RED SHIRT (equipped), LEMONADE YELLOW PANTS (equipped), a FAST AND WORDY NATURE (equipped), a SWEATY PITS YELLOW SHIRT, and ENVIABLE HEALTH (equipped).
There is a CUT BRAND FLATSCREEN TV on the floor.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 04:58:36 AM by NumberOneTuxedo »

leave the furniture store, there has got to be a walmart somewhere around here

you must recover hp, i suggest a quick wank to restore your stamina

you must recover hp, i suggest a quick wank to restore your stamina
nono the wank would require sp and restore hp

you must recover hp, i suggest a quick wank to restore your stamina
nono the wank would require sp and restore hp
Quote from: Logang4Lyfe

No no no, no! BUDDY, please!
Why does he tell you these things?
Do better! Please!

jack off

You cannot jack OFF.
There is no OFF.

and leave
leave the furniture store, there has got to be a walmart somewhere around here

Dammit, the door's locked.
What about the other one?
You always thought it to be locked.
You can never be sure 'til you try.

[YOU] LVL 1 (EXP 11) | HP 20/30 | SP 8/10 | STATUS TRYING
[MUGZ] LVL 1 | $13.88 | HP 11/28 | SP 4/12 | STATUS STARING
[RUTH] LVL 1 | $49.99 | HP 26/33 | SP 5/7 | STATUS FEARFUL

Your inventory consists of the MOBSTER FIT (equipped), SWAMP ASS BLUE PANTS, a FEAR OF SKIES, a BIG REVOLVER, and MAGNUM CALIBER ROUNDS (6x).
MUGZ's inventory consists of the SCATMAN JOHN SUIT (equipped), a GENERIC TRACKSUIT, a BARELY CONCEALED IDENTITY (equipped), and SWEET, SWEET LOVE (equipped).
RUTH's inventory consists of a STANDARD CASHIER'S RED SHIRT (equipped), LEMONADE YELLOW PANTS (equipped), a FAST AND WORDY NATURE (equipped), a SWEATY PITS YELLOW SHIRT, and ENVIABLE HEALTH (equipped).
There is a CUT BRAND FLATSCREEN TV on the floor.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 04:59:53 AM by NumberOneTuxedo »