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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 223644 times)

Im having this problem where if people first spawn, they do not have any items, nor can they get any. The only way to get around this is to CTRL + K

Does anyone have a solution?

EDIT: Found a workaround:

function Slayer_MinigameSO::addMember(%this,%client)
   Parent::addMember(%this, %client);
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 10:47:29 AM by Honno »

That's caused by some other add-on.

Can't remember if you already planned to do this but, could you make it so the bots can choose from more than 5 items?

What is going on with all the random posts? I realize it is April fools day, but what are the references?

EDIT: I just realized they are the player's signatures

Hey Greek, in the download list could you add a "download all" button? It would be useful because I don't like having to click and download each individual buttons. Thanks!

Hey Greek, in the download list could you add a "download all" button? It would be useful because I don't like having to click and download each individual buttons. Thanks!
Slayer.zip (All downloads inside)

I'm adding a team GUI/overlay which will make the /teamlist, /teamcount, /teamliving, etc. commands a thing of the past hopefully.

I'm torn on whether I should make it in the new black + white style or in the current Slayer style.

Here's a semi-working version of a black+white overlay:

What do you think?

imo that style looks way too empty even with whatever info would go there

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. The nature of that style is that it fills the entire screen.

Tbh I like black and white style. More... Modern looking.

You should make it display team flag captures too.

Personally I don't think the black and white fullscreen style looks good, even the default one when launching a server. Might be okay with a plain stats overlay that you can quickly glance at, but feels out of place with an interactive menu. Stretching out a small amount of info over the whole screen looks pretty bad in the example picture, and if there are any interactive elements like joining or trading teams, that'd be even worse. I think the overlay style is a bad idea.

I would keep the old gui