Author Topic: Charlottesville protests thread  (Read 59234 times)

I mean my question was pretty valid I think?

ehhh idk looks like a meme

What side was the driver of the car on?
I saw some people saying the guy in the car mistook the counter protesters for opposing side.
I don't know its true though.

i love you... neighbor ;)

hey wait no

What side was the driver of the car on?
I saw some people saying the guy in the car mistook the counter protesters for opposing side.
I don't know its true though.

it's still really confusing but i think people think it's probably one of the protesters

Aaaaand someone drove a car into it. This is what we have devolved to, everyone.

i don't know, i think the statue serves as a nice memorial for charlottesville's efforts in the civil war, which is actually kind of neat to read about since i never really knew much about what they went through myself. though, to add to that, i probably don't agree with a bit of the stuff the protesters are doing but at the same time i wouldn't want to see the statue get removed either

this 100% tbh

ITT conservatives defend terrorism

A police helicopter just crashed in a field apparently wtf is going on over there

ITT conservatives defend terrorism
man who the forget's defending terrorism here

A police helicopter just crashed in a field apparently wtf is going on over there
what hte forget? source me. that's loving wild.

ITT conservatives defend terrorism

keep trying kimon

A police helicopter just crashed in a field apparently wtf is going on over there

jesus forget what

ITT conservatives defend terrorism
I like how you say stuff you honestly believe but also mix in stuff that is blatantly horrible trolling so people end up never taking you seriously ever, thereby completely sabotaging yourself in the process.

This whole thing is a stuffshow and nothing is defensible. We have 1 dead and many injured because muh statue.

A police helicopter just crashed in a field apparently wtf is going on over there