Author Topic: San Francisco!  (Read 755 times)

Just realized I posted this at 1036 and most people are asleep

 I'm trying to sleep, but you have to make soo much noise >:C

I'm trying to sleep, but you have to make soo much noise >:C

K you all suck.

Anyway it sucks I got burnt and didn't even know it :( in jersey when you're burning you know but here its cool and you still get burnt.

Its also really cold here :(

Just to clear that up I don't think san Francisco sucks just the sunburn. I love it here :p

isnt sanfransico where all the gay people live?

isnt sanfransico where all the gay people live?
yeah. Forgot to mention that too I've seen like 50 gay couples :p

yeah. Forgot to mention that too I've seen like 50 gay couples :p
thats weird, i dont know anyone whose gay