Author Topic: Blockland is dead?  (Read 7895 times)

whew for a second with a post like this i thought i was back in steam discussion boards

So how many times has blockland died now?
Basically an overused number

Man, Blockland had died a forgetload of times. I wonder how many more times it'll die...

So how many times has blockland died now?
Approximately 33 times by now.

Notice something different? Darg pointed it out to me
There's not much different really. Badspot edits that page whenever something like this crops up every now and then.

Oh, it's not dead yet, we have an attention whore inbound.
No I'm not big like I said. But if you're a girl then uh... *coughs nervously* maybeah we should you know... go on a date? number please?
COME ON! COME ON!! *hits chest*
I told yo bitches to not forget with me and ma nuggas

Blockland will be dead.
jfc 92 posts in one day, not a single one good

A large group of people are slowly sinking in sand. They are not talking about the fact that they will eventually suffocate, or even acknowledge the quicksand is there. One foolish soul raises his voice and cries out "We are in quicksand! Somebody do something!".
Suddenly, the piercing shriek of a bullet rings out through the air, and all the people in the quicksand look up to a rock ledge above. A shaded figure stands tall, the sun to his back, a stetson on his head, and a .22 in his hand. He looks down at all the people in the quicksand below, and reminds them all again:
"There is no quicksand."

Moral of the story: We all know Blockland's regular userbase/community is shrinking in size, or at least in overall server quality/quality quantity, but there is nothing we can really do about it. This is normal for all online games. Maybe people tend to complain about this "slow death" more here because this game is just that special to them, but we should not hasten it by reminding ourselves about it, that only makes things worse and makes people feel like they should leave. Badspot doesnt like that sort of negative morale so hes not ok with people talking about it.

blockland is dead because it lacks a central nervous system, numerous vital organs, and refuses to eat its vegetables

blockland is dead because it lacks a central nervous system, numerous vital organs, and refuses to eat its vegetables

And all the little cells that mill around within its workings are always trying to kill each other