Author Topic: [Bot] national socialist + Egyptian Skeleton  (Read 5830 times)

Three bots made for The Golden Wrench gamemode.

Bot_national socialist
Contains a soldier and an officer. Both have 40 health and spawn with a gun.
Uses Face_BlueEyes from here:
 - Google Drive
 - Dropbox

Phydeoux's skeleton with a headdress. Has 30 health and does melee damage.
Uses Face_Smiley_Skull from here:
 - Google Drive
 - Dropbox

It should be noted that the added hats and chest-pieces are only applied to the bots. Changing your datablock to be a national socialist will just give you 40hp and no jets.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 03:44:53 PM by kobble »

I'm trying to make a good skelepun.

I'm kinda confused as to why you can't just set the appearance via events on bot spawn...

I did national socialist that coming.

I'm kinda confused as to why you can't just set the appearance via events on bot spawn...
Do you not see the modeling within the bots

imo the slight model difference between this and old national socialist bot seems a bit unnecessary

I did national socialist that coming.
Anne frankly, I don't give a damn.

Do you not see the modeling within the bots
I missed the fact that one had something other than a hat.
Still, why bots and not just a playertype with the model that you can assign to bots? Why are any such things made as bots and not playertypes you can assign to bots?

I missed the fact that one had something other than a hat.
Still, why bots and not just a playertype with the model that you can assign to bots? Why are any such things made as bots and not playertypes you can assign to bots?
because bots have different properties and "personalities" you can assign in the script, something you can't do with playertypes.

To all the people wondering if it was really necessary to release these like I have, this part of the OP is key:
Three bots made for The Golden Wrench gamemode.
Since the bots used in the gamemode cannot be simply extracted, I preemptively released these as standalone bots to account for any requests.
The bots were only meant to be used as enemies and therefore a playertype is unnecessary.

This is also a reason.
because bots have different properties and "personalities" you can assign in the script, something you can't do with playertypes.
These bots will not use idle animations, which means they do not randomly click and pull levers before the player reaches them etc. I realise all this could be done with events, but it would mean having to apply upwards of 5 lines to every bot planted and the bot wrench menu has no 'apply all' option.

Anne frankly, I don't give a damn.
Are jew sure? It was quite a shock to me.