Author Topic: post your stuffty unoriginal puns  (Read 903 times)

post your stuffty puns that you came up with here

here is one to start with

what is mr krabs favorite iced cream flavor

the mint

this makes me puncomfortable

You deserve to be punished for that joke.

what do you call a fly with no wings

a walk

oh god these are bad

i actually like soviets pun

honor student.........

Sam hyde

can I post my punny original stuffs here instead

How long does it take a black woman to take a stuff?

Nine months

all my puns are original you loving cunt please drive your moms car into a brick narwall

all my puns are original you loving cunt please drive your moms car into a brick narwall
im going to pun ch you for saying that

im going to pun ch you for saying that
*puns you into your locker* give me your lunch money or i will ennd you

I met my therapist today, he raped me.

I met my therapist today, he raped me.
He just raped you and punted you away like a football. How does that make you feel?

I bet he was only in it for the money....or did he pay you

tribal jokes arent funny
Black jokes are dark
Italian jokes are short
Asian jokes are even shorter
Japanese jokes in particular are explosive
Mexican jokes cross the line
Canadian jokes are cold
Russian jokes are colder
But the noose around my neck from all these puns is very warm and welcoming.
