Author Topic: WA2000 (BLID: 32040)  (Read 566 times)

Okay, so i gave my friend this obsecure fail binned addon called "Funky Player" a few days ago, and today, this idiot wanted rainbow, so he banned my friend, After much, i told him to unban him, and he's like "Oooh ahh i'm so scared"
not that much proof, from the logs from console log:
sky23: well last time we perma banned someone from not telling us lol
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Mr.Tee: DUDE
kquar: ho so the other guy was lieing
Mr.Tee: Don't be a richard
Mr.Tee: Unban hime
sky23: hes perma banned
Mr.Tee: Unban him
WA2000: everybody press numpad 0
sky23: he cant
Mr.Tee: Is he stupid?
kquar: yay no lag
Mr.Tee: Admin Menu - Un-Ban
WA2000: ill ban U if you dont respect me
sky23: lol
Mr.Tee: Unban him or else.
sky23: ?
Mr.Tee: lol.
kquar: ya respect him
WA2000: oooooo im soo scared Shiat! i pissed my self waaaaaaaaa im sooooo scared
sky23: or else what good thing im not admin lol
Mr.Tee: Unban him.
sky23: no
Mr.Tee: What'd he do to you?
WA2000: you cant make me
kquar: no he is a lieer
WA2000: hehehehehehehehehehehe
sky23: we gave him 5 seconds didnt tell us hes perma banned
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sky23: never comeing back
Mr.Tee: forgettard.
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Mr.Tee: Noob.
sky23: your calling us a handicap
Window reactivating...
Window reactivating...
Connection with server lost.
and this:


did he like ban you for not giving him the Addon?


did he like ban you for not giving him the Addon?


he is a lieer
lol wtf