Author Topic: Finding a player's position clientside  (Read 828 times)

yeah i've been gone forever who cares

I started messing around with clientsided scripts and I can't figure out how to do this. I can find my own position with getTransform(), but this doesn't work on other players. Am I doing something wrong or is there actually something wrong with getPosition/getTransform?

You cannot use .getPosition to find position on the clientside due to v13.
Use .getTransform. No, I don't think this'll ever work for getting position of other players, due to Badspot wanting to get rid of aimbots and such.

Oh, I kinda figured that but was hoping otherwise.

I'm guessing that's what he means by
Removed the ability to call various functions on client side objects to discourage casual creation of not-nice scripts

Yes, and various other things.

There are still ways to do it apparently. I don't know them, however.

Awwww, this is really too bad.

Perhaps setting up a packet sniffer between the BL client and server would allow me to find player position updates.

Perhaps setting up a packet sniffer between the BL client and server would allow me to find player position updates.


Awwww, this is really too bad.

Perhaps setting up a packet sniffer between the BL client and server would allow me to find player position updates.

Closer and closer to hacking each day!