Author Topic: 2013/03/11 - Blockland r1853  (Read 117594 times)

This is amazing. Good work.

This may actually add some use to the pokeMon add on

This may actually add some use to the pokeMon add on
How so?

yay bots

you were a bot the whole time!?


this just confuses me even more

This might kinda stupid but, how does one stop a bot from ONLY moving around?

This might kinda stupid but, how does one stop a bot from ONLY moving around?
Refer to this topic:
Conservative explains it in a later post.

How so?
If people created bots, or edited default bots to have a certain health, they could set their lvl with vce, and you could set some to have certain walking points.
Pretty much you could just use them as a substitute for people.

I see a new cart track, but not Hydro Plant.


ERROR on the website

Click on the bottom of "See r1853 post" and there seems to be an error with getting the SSL certificate.

Why the hell do some bot values have to be datablock defined?
   %wander           = %obj.hWander;
   %gridWander    = %obj.hGridWander;
   %search            = %obj.hSearch;
   %strafe             = %obj.hStrafe;
   %tickrate           = %obj.getDatablock().hTickRate;
        %obj.hShootTimes = %obj.getDataBlock().hShootTimes;
   %spastic            =  %obj.hSpasticLook;
   %idleAnim          = %obj.hIdleAnimation;
   %AFKScale         = %obj.hAFKOmeter;

the shoot times one is a real pain in the ass because:
Code: [Select]
%obj.hShootTimes = %obj.getDataBlock().hShootTimes;
%obj.hShootTimes = 4;
if it doesnt have one it just defaults to 4. I can't set it to anything custom because it does the check to make sure its in the datablock. its a pain when i'm trying to create dynamic bots but im forced back into creating new datablocks for them. also, can there be more variables like hCanAttack or hCanMove or something? I want to write my own attack functions but the bots are so focused on using the premade ones. Its annoying when things like this happen:
By the way, i can't stop the scientist from trying to use his scientific Print Gun and the construction worker from Hammering the bad guys, their melee is turned off, their shoot is turned off and they have avoid close range enabled, but they get up in the prisoner's face anyway

How do you make a bot not spawn intill activated by events?
Posted originally in the wrong thread. I tried setting the bots spawn time to -1 so it would not spawned in till that was changed event wise but that didn't work. Along with I don't thing there is an event to change another bricks spawn time thingy.

How come I haven't seen this yet, I need to go to Development more often...

can the bots "hear" things? if you fire a gun near them do they get suspicious?

can the bots "hear" things? if you fire a gun near them do they get suspicious?
if this is true, that would be awesome