Author Topic: The Sins of Youtube | Totally Not Mark ends his boycot, video sounds forced.  (Read 2856 times)


Youtube has consistently proven why a centralized power is a dangerous one.
Power corrupts, and a Centralized Power corrupts without opposition.

The List of Sins - Channels Youtube has killed or made irrelevant with it's malicious decisions.

Basically any channel that made animated content.

Totally Not Mark

Anyone else I missed? (Yeah I know it's not alot, most of them have been gone so long it's in the memory hole, sorry.)

But I know, everyone knows youtube's system is bs for creators that aren't famous outside of youtube or big corporations.

Thanks for the support.
0:00 "This is going to be my last video updating and addressing what's been going on with Toei animation. I say that not because I have heard anything from them or Youtube, because I haven't."

1:37 "I Nolonger stand by a boycott of Toei Animation"

2:15 "To those who found my actions disrespectful, know that this was never my intention. I was just standing up for what I thought I should."

2:25 "Thanks to you, and the love that you've shared with both myself and my team over the last week, 10,000 United States Dollars will be donated to the light ring charity which supports Self Delete prevention for the youth of Japan."

Wow, just wow.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2021, 09:00:57 PM by Master Matthew² »

I think if a business sues someone for copyright and they don't win the case the CEO should be guillotined. I think that would solve a lot of problems

Peter Kropotkin has entered the chat

It feels like it was only a few years ago people thought youtube being oppressive was just a far-right meme, but these days I see everyone from Josh Strife Hayes, some guy that just reviews MMOs to youtubes that review/talk about guns, to youtubers that post historical music, to youtubers that cover news coming out of China complaning about how stuff the platform has become.

It feels like it was only a few years ago people thought youtube being oppressive was just a far-right meme, but these days I see everyone from Josh Strife Hayes, some guy that just reviews MMOs to youtubes that review/talk about guns, to youtubers that post historical music, to youtubers that cover news coming out of China complaning about how stuff the platform has become.

The reason I seem to shill for fediverse systems is because they're not Alternatives...

They're the next step.

Decentralizing social media will make things so much better for everyone overall.

PeerTube, Mastodon, Frendica.

If these replaced Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook respectively it would make things so much better.

I made a thread about the Fediverse a while back, it's quite old but it gets the idea across.

Youtubes crap but whats gonna replace it. There's about 5 growing decentralized solutions that are all competing and none of them are evn close to becoming the replacement of youtube.

Odysee bigger than peertube methought but It doesnt matter to me who replaces it as long as youtube dies. I dont think that will happen any time soon though.

Youtubes crap but whats gonna replace it. There's about 5 growing decentralized solutions that are all competing and none of them are evn close to becoming the replacement of youtube.

Odysee bigger than peertube methought but It doesnt matter to me who replaces it as long as youtube dies. I dont think that will happen any time soon though.

Odysee is still centralized on the front-end. It's just block-chain on the back end.

PeerTube is the most relevant one, and it's really down to adoption.

But I think before peertube, getting people off twitter on to Mastodon would be the best strategy.

Mastodon is the most feature rich fediverse network available.

From there, We can use Mastodon accounts on peer-tube.

And it'll be easy integration to the fediverse from there.

Thanks for the support.
0:00 "This is going to be my last video updating and addressing what's been going on with Toei animation. I say that not because I have heard anything from them or Youtube, because I haven't."

1:37 "I Nolonger stand by a boycott of Toei Animation"

2:15 "To those who found my actions disrespectful, know that this was never my intention. I was just standing up for what I thought I should."

2:25 "Thanks to you, and the love that you've shared with both myself and my team over the last week, 10,000 United States Dollars will be donated to the light ring charity which supports Self Delete prevention for the youth of Japan."

Wow, just wow.

It feels like it was only a few years ago people thought youtube being oppressive was just a far-right meme, but these days I see everyone from Josh Strife Hayes, some guy that just reviews MMOs to youtubes that review/talk about guns, to youtubers that post historical music, to youtubers that cover news coming out of China complaning about how stuff the platform has become.
it feels like this is always how it goes.

its always a far-right meme until one day the public at large just mysteriously silently agrees that it actually is that bad. and then they use that condescending attitude, "oh no, ive always known it was that bad."

id like to think one day people will realize "far-right memes" are actually the truth before its been widely accepted. probably not though
« Last Edit: December 13, 2021, 11:41:28 AM by mod-man »

id like to think one day people will realize "far-right memes" are actually the truth
maybe half of them, but the other half of "far right memes" (and "far left memes" mind you) are just absolute crap.

maybe half of them, but the other half of "far right memes" (and "far left memes" mind you) are just absolute crap.
yknow i dont think ive ever once seen an article/news/social media post blame or label anything as a far left meme.

statistically that phenomena definitely has to exist somewhere, im just trying to recall and i cant think of a single example. even saying "far left meme" out loud doesn't sound right lol

yknow i dont think ive ever once seen an article/news/social media post blame or label anything as a far left meme.

statistically that phenomena definitely has to exist somewhere, im just trying to recall and i cant think of a single example. even saying "far left meme" out loud doesn't sound right lol
because there is barely any coverage of that stuff at all in the usa

anything remotely far left is immediately purged from discussion because of the brain rot in everyone that is left over from the red scare during the cold war. theres a reason that there was forgettons of trade unionists and communists during the 1920s but then suddenly anything left of Reagan became socially unacceptable in the USA

for literally a century, everything and anything relating to social reforms has been said to be communism, whether its race mixing or covid.

what you are referring to is the historical lack of any real "left" in the usa at all

There are no "Far-Left Memes" because stuffing a forgetton of text into an image and posting it on reddit doesn't make it a meme, it makes it an NFT.

The reason there are ""Far right memes"" are because there aren't and dipstuffs just label it far right.
Actual far right memes that try to convey their love of Riddler or whatever insane tribal bs they came up with have the same issue as actual far left memes.

Rewriting Mein Kampf or The Communist Manifesto into a 240p compressed jpeg isn't a meme. It's just stuff.

because there is barely any coverage of that stuff at all in the usa
If you're talking about what you see on the TV? No stuff.
The TV has a very niche and specific narrative that involves none of us in any way.
Unless we're in the big club, which we're not.

anything remotely far left is immediately purged from discussion because of the brain rot in everyone that is left over from the red scare during the cold war.

We don't accept communists for the same reason we don't accept national socialists. They started rounding people up and shoving them into either death camps
or forcing them into unlivable habitats.

theres a reason that there was forgettons of trade unionists and communists during the 1920s but then suddenly anything left of Reagan became socially unacceptable in the USA
Where in the forget are you getting this from? You literally pulled that "anything left of Reagan became socially unacceptable" out of your ass.
Yes, witch hunts are bad.  McCarthy did more for communism than
Stalin, Marx and Mao could have ever hoped to achieve.

Communists thrive on using outsiders and the disenfranchised, and
McCarthy made outsiders of thousands if not millions of people by
the end of his witch hunt.

for literally a century, everything and anything relating to social reforms has been said to be communism, whether its race mixing or covid.
And also everything an anything related to not just allowing people to pour over the border into the US, or
not printing money by the millions is considered fascist.

People will always use "the other" as an excuse to stifle people's rights.

what you are referring to is the historical lack of any real "left" in the usa at all
Lets put it in the most extreme form of left possible. Since the farthest, of farthest left
from today, would have to be non-existent for there to be a possibility there was
no "real left" in the us as far back as the 1700s.
Been around since 1920, right around the rise of Communism.
Been around since 1901, spawned the party listed prior.
Going down the history of where it started, brings you to:

Because political leanings overwhelmingly shifted leftward over the past two centuries, it's fair to say, there was a moderate left
LONG before 1893.

literally all of those organizations have shrunk to a size that is incredibly small compared to literally the hundreds of media organizations and think tanks dedicated to and fueling literally right-wing policy in the usa. The entire GOP is literally a slush fund for every single business imaginable.

There is like 3 self described socialists in the democratic party, the entire rest of then are literally all big business democrats like biden. the economic policy of the united states literally has literally always been right wing.

We don't accept communists for the same reason we don't accept national socialists. They started rounding people up and shoving them into either death camps
or forcing them into unlivable habitats.
this is just completely wrong, the united states has overthrown at least 35 democratically elected governments to install fascist military governments. The entire cold war was literally just them supported everything that was anti-communist, no matter how bad the dictatorship was. Here is a sample of the countries the USA has promoted fascism in:
- 1980 Afghanistan (funded religious extremists that tore the country apart for 30 years)
- 1949 and 1953 Tried to overthrow Albania with the help of 743 fascist war criminals that where recruited after WW2
- 1976 They backed the military junta of Argentina which assassinated 30,000 people
- 1964 The CIA provided support for a brutal military dictatorship that lasted 20 years in Brazil
- 1970 Overthrew the government of Salvador Allende and installed the Pinochet dictatorship to privatize the entirety of the Chilean economy
- 1960 The USA supported and backed the slave-owning Bautista dictatorship in Cuba which was responsible for the death of 20,000 people
- 1980 The government forces that brutaly disappeared and murdered over 70,000 people were almost entirely established, trained, armed and supervised by the CIA.
- 1966 Ghana was overthrown in a CIA-backed military coup.
- 1944 The greek communist government was overthrown by a combo of US and UK backing, 3,000 where executed.
- 1967 Greece was coup'ed again by the CIA this time, installing another military dictatorship
- 1954 The CIA coup in Guatemala started off a 40 year civil war, killing 200,000 people. The Reagan administration was aware and supported the indigenous genocide perpetrated by the military government.
- 1991 and 2004 The CIA staged a coup in Haiti to remove the president.
- 2009 A coup in Honduras had the aftermath dictated by the USA. The government put in place after was involved in severe repression of trade unionists and death squads where sent to union organizers.


I'm literally bored of writing these now but you get the idea, the US government has the longest history in the world of promoting fascist military governments under the guise of "anti-communism". i dont think the usa has ever supported any kind of left wing government in its history

literally just read this:
^ the page is massive

Quote from:
Historian Eric Foner writes that the Doctrine "set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic, and for the creation of a set of global military alliances directed against the Soviet Union."