Author Topic: Has anyone ever tried a "Total Conversion" mod of Blockland?  (Read 756 times)

Now I'm sure some of you vets will remember things like "The better mod" and "The orange block" which were total conversions of the alpha as far as I know

But has anyone tried to use Blockland's engine to make a completely different game/mod?
I'm sure that armymen mod from a while back could have been something MUCH more
I mean with all the modding talent here on the forums working WITH Blocklands engine I'm surprised it hasn't come up sooner

The only question being is it even possible to do a Total Conversion mod of Blockland?
Because I would love to dig deeper into this.

If you don't know what I mean by Total conversion
a total conversion is simply a mod that makes a completely new game EG: the original Counter strike half life mod, etc

If Badspot or Kompressor could shed some light on this it would make some pretty interesting developments

hey guys lets make a garrys mod total conversion

hey guys lets make a garrys mod total conversion
Best idea ever.

None of us have access to Blockland's source code so it's pretty much impossible.

2012: the year of rememberance

Not sure if there's really that much you can do to make a 'total conversion' of retail.

No ideas come to mind, at least.

all TBM did was add a metric tonne of features BTW, as far as i remember.

aside from also tweaking a bunch of others.

I doubt we'll see an open source version of bl any time soon?

Wasn't BAC going to make a Bac's Pack for retail 5 years ago?

hey guys lets make a garrys mod total conversion
replace all ragdolls with nude versions