Author Topic: Fasting for 11 hours @22:00 gmt. (Apparently this is now the official blood megathread.)  (Read 3240 times)

When I did mine I spent a whole hour waiting
Good thing I brought sketch paper with me
Yep, got music and stuff.

Yep, got music and stuff.
Okay good
If I didn't bring that book of mine I would have been bored to forget

i know the same feel.

i'm most likely going to have to do this soon since i'm getting my cyst/tumor out in 1 month.

i gotta fast for the surgery, prolly not for the bloodwork tho.

needles ain't that bad bro. i was pretty bad with em too but i got over it since i've been getting poked and prodded for a year.

plus when you're strapped down on laughing gas it don't matter no more.

I've been actually interested in painting with my own blood
I can't really paint well though

Just go to a butcher and get some pigs blood.

Just go to a butcher and get some pigs blood.

But then it loses the meaning!

Food coloring also works. My sister did some pretty cool stuff.

I get blood work done all the time but normally I don't have to fast. About a week ago I had the most blood work I've ever had done. They had too draw like 2 dozen vials of blood. Then they did a arterial blood gas test, where they stick a needle in my wrist into the artery, they always say it's gonna hurt like a mother forgeter but it actually hurts the least since it's a really tiny needle. The only thing that actually hurts are IV's in your hand, those suck.

Just had it done. My opinion on needles in general hasn't changed a bit, but I don't mind having blood taken now. My arm is going dead :D.

Just had it done. My opinion on needles in general hasn't changed a bit, but I don't mind having blood taken now. My arm is going dead :D.
How many vials did they do?

How many vials did they do?
I don't know, I chose not to look at the needle so I don't know how muh they took out, didn't take long so I assume only 1 or 2 vials.

The amount that having blood drawn really depends on the skill of the person doing it. Like if you get a bad person it's gonna suck so hard.

Side note here, since when did blood tests require fasting? Never in my life have I had to fast for more than like an hour before a blood test. Is this new?

Side note here, since when did blood tests require fasting? Never in my life have I had to fast for more than like an hour before a blood test. Is this new?

Probably longer than your parents have been alive. It's not all tests only certain tests require it.

I never heard of any fasting going on, what religion?

I never heard of any fasting going on, what religion?
the first sentence of OP
you didn't read it

...not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

I never heard of any fasting going on, what religion?
Are you illiterate or something?