Author Topic: If you could meet one forumer irl who would it be.  (Read 13160 times)

If you already met them, that does not count.  Go!

Um, hmmmmm, there are so many.


[edge]I don't know who do I want to punch in the face more.[/edge]

I would say com4dre but he's like 20 so mario0126.

I already did so idk.

I hear Trifax is a party animal.

camera so i could meet the very first irl dragon and then kill him so i could be crowned king dragon slayer and use his scales for some cool dragon skin boots

Bones4 or Destroyer would be cool to hang out with, they really know their photography stuff and It would be cool to go out shooting things.

Flatflyer, specifically for the purpose of murdering it.

Probably just flatflyer.

Flatflyer, specifically for the purpose of murdering it.

You gonna cook it afterwards?

Anyway, that's not why I want to meet flat.


You gonna cook it afterwards?

cook it and feed it to homeless people at a homeless shelter

Bones4 or Destroyer would be cool to hang out with, they really know their photography stuff and It would be cool to go out shooting things.
i change my answer. i wanna go urban exploring with dest

Urban exploring with Destroyer would be great.
And you know that if you suffered an injury he's trained to be able to help you out.