Author Topic: The Orange Box (360)  (Read 5132 times)

Discuss, Tell me I'm a noob for making 3 topics hear like this, WHATEVER

I'm thinking of getting it :D

I finished all 4 single player games in like a week, although I did use infinite health and portal anywhere, there are challenges those cannot overcome...and those are about the only functional chats for 360 version XD

Episode Two was great.  Even though someone spoiled the ending for me, I still had fun playing it.  The other games, I really play.  I've been VAC banned while playing Counter-Strike: Source, which makes Team Fortress 2 almost unplayable, since there are only about five non-VAC servers the last time I checked.

The Orange Box is now decaying on the corner of my desk.  It won't be used for quite some time.

Why did you put 360 on the end of the topic? That's kind of useless, it's the same overall game just different controls and graphics.

360 > PC (in that the controls don't spread over a wide keyboard where you can slip easy in rushed situations and f up, and then there's the biloveual thing....)


PC > PS3/360 for FPS, end of story. Go ahead and play with your rigid aiming and terrible turning speed.

also, PC gamers can destroy console gamers in FPS matches, it's been done.

360 > PC (in that the controls don't spread over a wide keyboard where you can slip easy in rushed situations and f up, and then there's the biloveual thing....)

I broke the bottom flap on the bottom of my wireless key board that covers it up playing counter strike, I was eating bacon and slid my hand over to the g button to swap out my ak-47, then my phone rong and my keyboard just went in the air, grabing it from the bottom because the flap was getting in the way I thrusted my hand up because I was starled from the phone, and mem moving my right hand just happend to break ballance and well...