Author Topic: New VCE  (Read 5093 times)


This is the unofficial update and patch to VCE!
This add-on should be compatible with things that previously used VCE.

Warning: The current version does not support VarLink replacers. If you used this feature or want to use this feature I can add in support for them.

Warning: The current version may not actually be compatible with saves that used previous versions of VCE. If you have problems with compatibility tell me.

New Features:
More Mod Variable Functions
More Replacers
New Variable Replacers
Easier Function Stating
Local Variables
Bot Support
RTB Prefs
Actually Fully Documented Client Manual (Manual fixed by Erika)
An Active Developer

This add-on is in development expect bugs if any.
Please post bugs and suggestions for features here
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 08:36:35 PM by Monoblaster4 »

Minor Patch 7.0.1:
Fixed unclean eval line.
Removed unneeded eval lines.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 02:58:07 AM by Monoblaster4 »

does this fix my variables not holding their values?

does this fix my variablesnot holding their values?
This version should work properly so yes. Tell me if you have any problems.

Minor Patch 7.0.2:
Default and VCE input events have more targets
Fixed some bugs
e is now a global variable
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 02:58:15 AM by Monoblaster4 »

found a bug: when used in combination with weapon_grenades the cook timer doesn't show due to a console error (along with several other addons)

found a bug: when used in combination with weapon_grenades the cook timer doesn't show due to a console error (along with several other addons)
This will be fixed for the next patch, thanks.

Minor Update 7.1.0:
There's a new delay box added to call function events. Box can accept variable replacers.
New event VCE_cancelFunction: cancels the function of that name on the target brick.
Fixed game text bugs.

is the ridiculous console spam fixed when the object doesn't exist?

Planning on depricating VCE_StateFunction in favor for one that does thing automaticaly. The event will stay for compatibility.

Just as an update. Currently reworking the way expressions are handled. They will be treated like the other vce escapes: <e:1 + 1>. In addition functions will also have their own special escape: <func:power:2|2>. Before this update comes as it will break previous projects try not to use too many expressions.

Minor Update 7.2.0:
Reworked the replacers system and made func and e replacers
New event VCE_startFunction. An easier to use alternative to stateFunction.
Added bot support.
Added local variables.
Fixed more bugs.