Author Topic: Is it possible for bot to be non-hostile towards players, but not other bots?  (Read 1102 times)


Also would like to know if a bot can also be immune to damage from players but not other bots.

to my knowledge, the input box is the team name, so you can have multiple bots on different "teams"


But how to make them avoid all players?

Set team to "Friendly" or "Neutral". First one makes bots technically ignore players, second does the same unless player hits them (?)

As for the damage, you'll need to replace the Damage() function for the bot's datablock.

Noedit: Use the isHoleBot property of the bot's datablock to differentiate bots from players, as player datablocks lack this property.

marios stop assuming everybody codes

marios stop assuming everybody codes

He never said anything about his coding skills so I just assumed he researched how bots work (ie. Read Bot_Blockhead's script).

He never said anything about his coding skills so I just assumed he researched how bots work (ie. Read Bot_Blockhead's script).
He never said anything about his coding skills so I just assumed he researched how bots work (ie. Read Bot_Blockhead's script).
if he wanted coding help he would have put this in modification help.

also you can't assume that someone can simply learn how bots work by looking at the script when they don't even know how a script is formatted.

if he wanted coding help he would have put this in modification help.

also you can't assume that someone can simply learn how bots work by looking at the script when they don't even know how a script is formatted.

Well, it's only now I've realized this is not modification help, sorry Nicepoint.

Anyway, with simple terms, the bot playertype can be adjusted as such to block damage from players, and you can use the SetTeam output event to make them Friendly or Neutral to fit your needs.

immune to damage is admittedly harder. its possible with a script, but i dont think one exists yet.

How about a bot team being hostile to another bot team but not players?

How about a bot team being hostile to another bot team but not players?

Bot Team A: SetTeam Friendly
Bot Team B: SetTeam (anything but friendly or neutral)

Code: [Select]
onBotSpawn > Bot > setTeam > BotTeam1
All bots on this team won't attack each other.

For your second question, it is possible to make bots only able to kill other bots. You would have to package the armor::onDamage function, check if the attacker is an AI class, and return the statement if false.

If the players have the no-combat playertype, they cant receive damage or do any damage.
So they won't be able to damage the bots.
But they will also not be able to damage each other.
I don't know if you want to be able to do that or not.

This answered my questions, thanks