What song frequently plays in your head?

Author Topic: What song frequently plays in your head?  (Read 6281 times)

Secret; AGENT man! Secret; AGENT man!

Lol. That song always is replaying in my mind..

Secret; AGENT man! Secret; AGENT man!

Lol. That song always is replaying in my mind..
same thing with me

It all really depends on my mood.

If I'm happy I usually have a Beatles Song stuck in my head (usually Hey Jude, or All You Need is Love)

If I'm feeling romantic (don't ask) then it's always Tom Petty. American Girl, Running down a Dream, and Free Falling are some of my favorites to get stuck. Her Comes My Girl a more recent one.

If I'm feeling sad It can vary, mostly it's The Who Behind Blue Eyes or Girl (the Across the Universe version, only because it doesn't have an up beat drum beat, so it's more depressing) another Beatles tune.

And I have been known to get these tunes stuck as well: Won't Get Fooled Again, An American Band, I'm Sailing Away, Bohemian Rhapsody, the Animal Crossing 4:00 theme, Happiness is a Warm Gun, Stairway to Heaven, the American Beauty theme song, Sweet Emotion (thank you Warren and GH: Aerosmith D:< :D... ?),Time and Brain Damage/Eclipse, Babba O'Riley, Piano Man, Rocket Man, Imagine, and MANY MANY others.

Holy crap. I think I love you.

Um, I love you too :D?

Rick Roll song

I swear... Thats the worse song to get stuck with. You open a door then you get Rick Rolled.
I never want songs to get stuck in my head

C-C-C-Combo breaker!

Arcade Fire-Neon Bible has been stuck in my head recently.

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