Author Topic: Aeonara (brickadia artist) - child enthusiast  (Read 55972 times)

I'm joking about killing homoloveuals, but not about killing child enthusiasts. They are some of the most harmful people and even chemical castration hasn't helped to stop them from harassing minors.
They're not always the victim of childhood abuse, sometimes it's just a phenotype, and I understand, I think their acts are egregious because unlike homoloveuality, because often its rape as the child is not legally old enough to give consent, but I guess it's also an argument of who can give consent.

neventii is a child enthusiast sympathizer confirmed??

neventii is a child enthusiast sympathizer confirmed??
Thanks, PhantOS. Means a lot coming from you.

neventii/brozie 2020: equating liking people of the same gender and loveually abusing children

neventii/brozie 2020: equating liking people of the same gender and loveually abusing children
Sorry, I'm on new medication. Please disregard I said that.

nevantii going home and slurping down his child slave's rooster

nevantii going home and slurping down his child slave's rooster
brother your name is literally CP.

god i love cheese pizza. i have so many pictures of cheese pizza on my secure vpn fortified laptop you have no idea. all sorts of gooey cheese pizza pics

next brother to post rapes children

as long as theyre aware that who theyre attracted to is wrong and go to whatever lengths to make sure that they dont give in and sniff little rosie next door's diaper, they're cool. if they go discord mod on some kid, then they deserve to take a metal pill through the ear.

i still can't comprehend the fact that there is a fourteen year old on this forum whose name is literally cheese pizza who goes out of his way to defend the single actual child enthusiast on the entire forum

also have brickadia devs actually gone out of their way to warn their gullible underage community to not interact with the nonce they just shadowbanned yet, or are they still silencing everyone who talks about it

also have brickadia devs actually gone out of their way to warn their gullible underage community to not interact with the nonce they just shadowbanned yet, or are they still silencing everyone who talks about it
take a guess