Author Topic: Ironman Face  (Read 1713 times)

I'm making an Ironman face and decal. I'm making the face, but for some reason it just doesn't look that good. Any suggestions? :/

mouth section needs to connect with the rest of the black above it, it looks kinda like a mustache at the moment

The face also looks sort of... very pissed off.

Are you using any specific image for reference?

Get rid of the mono brow type thing and add those lines on the side of the face that are in the picture and connect those lines at the bottom to the actual bottom.

Protip for the decal: Place the power nodes so people don't scream "LOL, IRON BOOBS."

Protip for the decal: Place the power nodes so people don't scream "LOL, IRON BOOBS."
no, just make the reactor on his chest instead

Which program, pixen?
Hmm? Isn't that a pixel program? :o
looks like Photoshop
Nah, I use Illustrator for everything.

Oh and I like how you used the ramp/roads bricks texture

dude they allready have superman, spiderman, and ironman but they arent being released anymore i dunno why

dude they allready have superman, spiderman, and ironman but they arent being released anymore i dunno why
Nice bump that doesn't seem very relevant.

Nice bump that doesn't seem very relevant.
It doesn't even make sense...

Anyways, awesome decal, I don't know if you released it or not but you should.