Author Topic: Tuevon's Model Dump.  (Read 6023 times)

Which do you want to try out?

Which do you want to try out?
Train. Send me the model and ill export it and stuff. Or you can.

Train is a playertype, supposed to work like Bushido's Hazard_Train.
Can you do that then?

These are amazing! They should fit into the game really well.

Train is a playertype, supposed to work like Bushido's Hazard_Train.
Can you do that then?
Yes I can.

Cool! Awesome models! :D

Great build! :D
No Srsly.
I'm sure they will like the build more there!
Your a Bitch.
These are Awesome, They are supposed to be in Gallery.

Your a Bitch.
These are Awesome, They are supposed to be in Gallery.
You are an idiot, Way to fling insults. You are going to further prove my point by saying something else I am sure.
And no, they don't belong in gallery.
Show off your Blockland creations
Thus meaning things you created inside Blockland.

This isn't
Show off your Blender creations
So they belong in Modification Discussion, Get over it.

Where exactly does it say this

things you created inside Blockland.

I have a model of a bottle and I was wondering if you could change the name of the inside color from Potion to Orange Juice.

Where exactly does it say this

It says "Show off your Blockland Creations"
That would mean to Show off Creations from Blockland.
Why else would we have a Modification Discussion Forum?...

If you want I can PM Gravity Cat and tell him he is in the wrong board.

I believe it would actually belong in creativity, but at the time I wasn't thinking clearly.  They are for display only though, so Modification Discussion is out of the question.  If at any time one is in progress, I will make a separate topic there for that Add-On.